
Why do you think some people keep coming back to this site?

by  |  earlier

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There are several people here who know more than most because they have done their home work instead of just giving their opinions. Why do you think they keep coming back instead of just moving on with their busy hectic lives?

Why do they take the time to come HERE on Y/A in this category?

I have my own opinion but would like to hear from others why they think that is.




  1. To be an adoptee voice in adoption where; all too often; people feel they are the authority to speak on behalf of adoptees

  2. fun like a game.  To be cocky. I dunno what is your opinion?

  3. 1. A Hobby (like collecting stamps and coins, writing blogs etc.)

    2. For reputation and/or increase their circle or to make friend

    3. To improve their knowledge and thinking

    4. To get or search for answers

    5. For points

    6. Time-pass

  4. I keep coming here so that there can be a positive side to adoption.

  5. I think that, for some people, to honestly try to learn. For others, to ram an agenda down the throats of those who disagree, and for still others it's just a game.

  6. Because I am a glutton for punishment

  7. There's always more to learn.  And we can pass on what we've already learned.

  8. I think we have evolved to be motivated to share our knowledge with others. It is adaptive and perhaps the main competitive advantage we have over all other species on Earth.

  9. Somedays - I ask myself that same question - and think of giving it away.

    Most days - I think of when - 2 years ago - I wanted to start searching for my bio family - and I had so many people telling me how I should be just grateful for the life I was given - and that I was being unfaithful to my adoptive family.

    Today - I don't want other adoptees to feel that shame and that guilt - just because they feel that they might want to start searching - for information that is a part of them - a part that they are entitled to - a part that they shouldn't have to answer to anyone about - because it's about them - and not about anyone else.

  10. It's addictive...

  11. Perhaps when they research the information, they have just learned something new rather than just an opinion.  Some questions asked are asking for an opinion while some are asking for facts.

  12. I like the idea of 'interacting' with others without having to commit to relationships.

  13. this is all some people have!

  14. I come back to help people see the need for change in the adoption system and laws and to let people know what the laws are concerning open records, as that is a HUGE issue for me.  Sometimes that has taken up more of my time than I would like, but it's worth it.

  15. I don't know why I'm here anymore.... I think I need to think about that.

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