
Why do you think that FWDe Klerk sold out the withe people of South Africa, and BETRAY US to the CORRUPT ANC?

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Even though Mandela and the rest of the gookk troop had sworn to kill everywhite person in the country.

Something that they are busy with right now?




  1. I have read as much as I could find on this over the years and it basically comes down to this:

    -The US threatened more severe sanctions against South Africa including stopping the purchasing of Gold and other minerals saying they would go to Australia for their needs.

    - The threat of an armed invasion in the longer term.

    -The promise of a Nobel Peace Prize if he complied.

    What is also evident from released CIA papers is that the ANC were not the US's first choice of a Black Government.Buthelezi was but the ANC vowed to continue with the terrorism if they did so.The US complied and moderated Mandela writing a script for him that has seen him become virtually a Saint today.The US funded the ANC for the 1994 elections and the CIA manipulated the vote count in Natal so that they got the correct result.

    Also bear in mind that previously Carter and Young had hailed Mugabe as a hero when they interfered in Rhodesia so is it any surprise they fecked up South Africa as well? De Klerk must be amongst the most hated of people amongst White South Africans and particularly the Afrikaner whom he sold down the tubes.

    I still think there is unfinished business in South Africa and there is no doubt that an armed uprising by the Afrikaner scares the ANC shitless.They know the truth about the past although they prefer to lie and pretend they were fighter heroes. Everyone else who was involved in the War against Communism/Terrorism knows they ran like feck when confronted and were only capable of intimidating their own with necklaces and Mandela's football team.

    Johnny Hawkins - Your statement about SA being declared bankrupt is totally incorrect. Let me enlighten you. Nedbank Ltd took positions in Foreign Gilt Markets and the market collapsed badly.This led to a situation that South Africa had insufficient Foreign Reserves to pay out Investors who wished to withdraw their money. This then led to a situation where repayments were caught in the "net" but they were eventually  ALL payed out over a period of time as the Country increased its Reserves. In a subsequent recovery of the Gilts Market a small fortune was made by Nedbank. The whole situation revolved around an agressive postion taken in Foreign Markets by a person called Yale Fisher of Nedbank which was fundamentally correct for a long term investment but incorrect in the short term. Both he and Rob Abrahamse (Nedbank CEO subsequently left the Country).

  2. Well, he was continuing what his predecessor did to Rhodesia. No point in stopping till you've finished.

  3. you are a boer

  4. Apartheid was cool

  5. Because he knows the ANC are the BEST!

  6. You are either very young or totally stupid.

    In 1982 PW declared the Govt. bankrupt,we owed the world bank R30000 per taxpayer in SA. At that time  house in the east rand would set you back R50000.

    The country was bankrupt. FW did what he had to.

  7. Perhaps he was gatvol of domgat blerrie racist pampoenkoppe like yourself.

  8. Sybok, don't be ridiculous...that is paranoid thinking.

    KFK - you are disgusting. You are just giving them grist to their mill. What's the point of your rants anyway? You don't seem to be making any kind of point. Are you quite sane? You clearly have some unresolved anger management issues. I can recommend a shrink, if you like.

  9. I'm sure he had planned his retirement business already in Switzerland but realised he couldn't do it with SA still a parochial state on the world scene. The white population also got tired and selfish in their need for world recognition. They did not think the consequences through. It was like putting a bowl of sweets in front of kids and without thinking about the stomach aches or tooth decay, the majority went for it. Today SA is suffering these aches and decay in a more literal sense.

  10. It was either freeing Mandela or the start of a new race war in RSA.

    Again the leaders of the day only thought about what the world thought of them that day and not about the future. I do not think that apartheid was right, no. Mistakes was made indeed.

    Problem is that we as a nation is regressing instead of progressing!

    Daily it is becoming more and more evident that the divide between us and then is becoming bigger. It is not about the haves and havenots, it is about getting even. They don't care about the way we lived in the past. In fact they don't care about us at all. We are still being labelled as colonialists, white settlers and so on.

    This country changes hands without one shot being fired. Everybody thought it to be a miracle. Now everyone is wondering how much longer this miracle is gonna last?

  11. FW De Klerk would have looked really stupid if he had continued with apartheid and had his son married to a maid!


  12. i think that De Klerk was an idiot to think that the blacks and whites could live together... i mean...we are fine with the couloreds...but the kaffers must go.... if u put me in a room with a black guy.... not even the devil could withstand my anger towards the blacks.... the difference between couloreds and blacks is that the couloreds come from our ancestors sleepin with the africans...that sucks but i still respect them becuase they are part white.... the blacks are just africans that crossed the border and took our jobs and stuff...i hate them with all my guts... the only way that can prevent me from hating blacks is when they show that they are peaceful and smart enough not to cross my path... it is possible for some of the smart africans to find a soft spot in my heart.. like Mandela...he at least tried to help the nation...but Mbeki must die....i hate his guts.....thats all i have to say....if i offended any africans here ...please eccept my appologies.... i dont hate africans that i dont i can only judge africans after i have witnessed what they have done....its my code of honour at least....

  13. No future for our children in South Africa cause they are white

    Only Afrikaans name changes

    Crime they stolen all the white peoples belongings now they steal the black peoples belongings too

    The white people have to live in Jails with all the fencing and locks

    ec . ec. ec.

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