
Why do you think that Vince and the wwe never used talents like Muta or Liger?

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Why do you think that Vince and the wwe never used talents like Muta or Liger?




  1. First off, Muta and Liger were both too busy working with WCW when they came to the states from New Japan.

    They had a working partnership they mostly dealt with WCW. Plus, in part, people in Japan saw WWF mostly as entertainment and a circus rather than a wrestling company, but saw WCW respected more the wrestling aspect of it. So I'm sure Muta and Liger were highly influenced by this.

    WWE didn't even start bringing in the Luchadors in until ECW introduced them and then they saw them on WCW. I don't know why exactly they haven't tapped more into the Japanese wrestlers...because there is some great talent from over there. Both The Great Muta and Jushin Liger could've been big in the WWF, but I'm not sure if they would've known what to do with them in their character driven form of wrestling, while WCW back in the late 80's and early 90's..even beyond that were heavily into the actual wrestling part of wrestling. But I'm surprised, because a wrestler like Muta IMO could've had a great character in WWF, similar to that of Killer Khan but more athletic...

  2. BL beat me to this, but my friend speaks the truth...

    That ship has sailed for Vince....

  3. He just couldn't market them  

  4. Because people like Ernest "The Cat" Miller was filling up the roster.

  5. They are Japanese, and not that large. And Muta and Liger have no need to be jobbers for WWE guys, when they are superstars (Muta's practically a national icon) in Japan.

    The fact that Vince built his company on someone like Hulk Hogan should tell you what the WWE looks for in its main-event wrestlers.

  6. Guys like them are the one thing in wrestling that Vince just never knew how to handle properly. Muta and Liger would have had little to no competition in the WWF and found themselves as mid-carders at best. Even though folks loved the Lucha style of wrestling the WWE just never took it seriously. The WWE style of things has always been a major contrast to the way lucha is, so those guys would have found themselves as a novelty act rather than becoming serious competitors.

  7. Because they were old and couldn't draw fans in the United States.

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