
Why do you think that aliens have or have NOT visited Earth?

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My main reason for thinking that aliens have NOT come to Earth is that to do so, they would have to have the technology to travel at the speed of light for years just to get here, then after all of the time they took to travel and with all of their technology they crash in Roswell New Mexico?!? I don't think so. Just my $0.02

Why do you think they are/are not here?




  1. They were here. They helped the Mayans and the Egyptians build their pyramids.

  2. Maybe it's the Zoo Hypothesis, proposed as a possible answer to the Fermi paradox.

    The size and age of the universe suggests many advanced civilizations should exist. However, this seems inconsistent with observational evidence.

    Physicist Enrico Fermi questioned why such evidence as spacecraft or probes are not seen if a multitude of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the Milky Way.

    The Zoo Hypothesis proposes that highly advanced aliens would avoid making themselves known, perhaps to avoid influencing human development, similar to zookeepers observing animals in a zoo.

  3. I do believe they could have visited Earth because the universe is so vastly large, there's a very small possibility that we're the only intelligent lifeforms. Also, there have been so many UFO sightings even since ancient times that at least one of them had to have been real.

  4. as someone cleverly pointed out a wormhole would indeed do the trick. only problem being to make a wormhole you need to have a black hole handy, and you would likely be ripped apart by tidal forces if you went anywhere near a black hole. assuming you figured out a way to get around that and could actually make it to earth. why wouldn't you show yourself. anyone with that level of technology would be able to defend them self  against any attack we threw at them. unless they only wanted to go on a jolly jaunt to new mexico and were drinking while flying, which i don't recommend. so no i really don't as there is not any evidence to support the contrary.

  5. Because whatever being can build these devices should be able to foresee such disaster. I just assume they would know what they are dealing with but then again we had no idea when we first landed on the moon.

  6. One of the problems that we have with space, is trying to wrap our heads around how old sh*t really is. Modern man has been on this earth for about 100,000 years. The Earth itself is 4 and a half billion years old. Look how far we have come in the last 100 years or so. Now imagine what we will be like in a hundred years. Now if there is intelligent life somewhere else, what if they have been developing their species for a million years compared to our 100,000 years? What do you think man will accomplish in the next 1,000 years?

  7. Possibilities:

    - they don't exist at all

    - they are so far away, they can't come here

    - they could, but don't bother

    - they follow their Prime Directive


  8. aliens are not real. chill out

  9. Well there are many theories. There will always be a skeptic. But i agree, if aliens exist, wouldnt they have shown themselves? But i dont think we are the only living things in our universe. But if we are, then thats creepy lol.

    Some theories are the pyramids and Mayan temples. In a pyramid in Egypt is an ancient hyroglyphic of a man in a spacesuit floating in outer space. How do you think that got there in ancient Egypt? And some say the pyramids were a landing ground for UFOs but that might be false. Hey, ya never know

  10. Just because we have not yet solved the problem of faster than light travel or avoiding the light speed limit by wormholes or some as yet unthought of method, this does not mean that civilizations millions or billions of years older than ours have not.  The universe is about 9 billion years older than the Solar System.  There are about 73 sextillion known stars and we have discovered more than 300 extrasolar planets.

    There are what appear to be depictions of spaceships and people in spaceships in ancient cave paintings and art from hundreds of years ago.  Add this to the thousands of reported encounters (some by mitlitary officers, astronauts, policemen, airline pilots, etc.) and it suggests to me that beings from somewhere, or possibly from sometime, have been visiting us.

  11. why haven't aliens visited Earth.

    1) who says there are aliens?  at the present level of understanding planetary formation, we can't clearly even say why our Solar System ended up as it did, let along whether others are out there similar.

    2) travel AT the speed of light is impossible... but travel NEAR the speed of light is also DAMNED unlikely, so we are talking what?  10% ?  even from the closest star system that is half a lifetime.  UNLIKELY isnt a strong enough word.

    3) pyramids are alien?  Oh, come on!  I thought that beleif went out with Van Daniken.

    4) while the size of the Universe does increase the odds that life exists 'elsewhere'... it DIRECTLY states that the Universe is a BIG place.  Try to get a grip as to just how big we mean...  Our probes that are the farthest away from Earth haven't even entered our Sun's own Oort cloud, let alone the likely centuries it will take them to exit it.  Big... get a grip.

  12. JimbO, how if it was their first visit to Earth that they crashed in Roswell? we don't know which aliens crashed in Roswell, it could be different from the others that have visited us, and they were experimenting their hyperspeed or wormholes and then something wrong happened and they crashed. Take a look at ourselves, have NASA never failed in their mission to other planets? I don't think so, and now imagine that IF somehow we find living creatures that is less intelligent than us in Mars and they see our burning spaceship crashes into their territory, wouldn't that make us 'the alien' from their perspective? It could be the same that happened in Roswell back then, what I mean is even though their technology is more more advanced than us, there still can be mistakes. So I think they are here because of their curiosity, just the same as us, we went to the Moon, to the Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and next is Pluto, what for? and why do you think we were there? I believe you can answer that :).

  13. Why not take a lesson from history?  eg. The so-called discovery of "America" and exactly what happened there?  That so-called 'civilised' man savaged the supposed savages.  Also note - that the Europeans did not come from only the one country.  You do have some odd stories about the Vikings having discovered America...

    Meaning that so-called aliens don't belong to the same origin world, nor do they ALL come from the same place/race/etc...

    There are many different ways of looking at the - Are UFOs/aliens real? question - and it's consequences.

    You can research this matter further at...

    (also [English Discussion Forum])

  14. When they left their home world they had no idea what was here.  They probably had some sort images from a while back, but didn't figure that we had gotten so technically advanced so soon.  We probably shot the poor little buggers down.  I mean for them to get so far advanced past us they must have left there global threat of war a thousand years ago and forgot all about cold wars and the such!

  15. Have you heard of wormholes ?

  16. Thank you. You have convinced me that there may be hope.

  17. You are exactly correct. Your logic is top notch on this situation... that's exactly my view. If they traveled many light years, what are the chances they *only* land in New Mexico?

    And, intelligent life is rare. Heck, its rare you find intelligent life on Earth!

    Contrary to the tin-foil-hat-cult's views on ET life, aliens HAVE NOT been visiting Earth. Sure, there could be intelligent life somewhere else, but not close enough for them to visit Earth. Why not visit the other near by solar systems? I haven't made up my mind as to if there is intelligent life somewhere else in the universe, but they have not been visiting Earth. Period.

    Its just a bunch of bull... like the 2012 theory.


         I have often been told: that our radio and TV programs have been monitored by extra terrestrials since radio’s inception, and that they now live amongst us. Hmm? Where do these people get their information from to come up with these ideas?

         Preamble: - It poses some questions: - (1). How does the recipient in outer space receive our radio signals when we consider this?  

         The propagation of a radio wave is 186,000 Miles per sec: that is (300, 000 metres a sec) the speed of light in a vacuum. So, how far will that radio wave travel in 80 years? The answer is 80 light years in all directions; well, at least in some plains, either V or E polarisation. Just while I'm here, the medium the wave travels through slows the wave down by .95% for an aerial, and, by approximately by .66% in normal run of the mill coax cable.

         Let’s assume that the transmitter is propagating from the aerial One Mega-Watt of medium wide band (TV is very wide band, and AM or FM radio frequencies are relatively narrow band) RF energy. Boy, that’s a lot of RF power, believe me! TV

         By the time (I won't bore you with the math) that radio wave has travelled some 10K miles. The wave that is detectable is somewhere in the region of 1 Pico-Watt of energy of the original. That is some free space loss, I can tell you!

         To receive this signal and if you more than 10 miles from the transmitter, your aerial needs to be pointed at the source. You have a h**l of an amount to gain using a Yagi aerial (that’s the sort with a long boom and lots of little metal sticks sticking out. Lots of them)(most are UHF or VHF transmissions, though there comes a point to which there are diminishing returns) about 32 db (decibels per (ratio) watt-Watt so we have a reference)) with a narrow highly tuned notch filter, low noise floor gasfet preamp or high a gain, three stage mast head pre-amplifier. Problem here is that the RF energy in a broadcast signal is very wide (some 27 Mhz (per channel) for colour TV using vestigial side-band). So it defeats the narrow filter approach)). You might then just get a signal and a noisy signal at that. This assumes that you use 'Andrews Heliax' as the feeder to the recover the signal with minimal losses. You could fit the receiver directly to the pre-amplifier, as is the case in very large arrays used by professional astronomers.

       The problem here is this:- the noise generated by terrestrial machinery is very wide band, and, has the tendency to mask the wanted signal (unless you're using spread spectrum techniques-and even then . . . )

         The other problem is also as bad; that is that the ionosphere tunnels radio wave at various frequencies and keeps them within the Earth's confines, and very little escapes into space. UHF is one point where it does escape to space (except under sporadic "E" conditions), but remember that the distance the propagated wave has to travel weakens as it goes into the medium and spreads out.

         "AH!" You may say, but what about collecting radio waves from satellites in deep space?"

         "Indeed, a good question," I would reply. Signals transmitted in the microwave bands to these transponders is relayed back to Earth via a dish antenna on the satellite, and the beam is extremely narrow and pointing earthbound to a narrow footprint.


         There is a certain band of frequencies called the Hydrogen Band. This band of frequencies is very quiet (for various technical reasons), and is not used for commercial purposes. The spacecraft has a dish pointing toward the Earth super accurately, and has a very narrow band width and a slow transmit rate, again for technical reasons I need not go into. The receiver and transmitters at both ends are locked on to each other and are phased-locked-looped to avoid frequency drift due to thermal effects that would cause such drift. The receiver at the earth end has cryogenic pre-amplifiers so that internal thermal noise does not mask the received signal that would other wise be lost within the noise generated by the earth and the solar noise generated by the Sun and the other noise from inter-stellar space.

         I needed to explain this. In order for you to understand why I am putting my viewpoint across, the way I am.

    Now we have a need to know a few historical facts:

    (a) Radio transmitters and receivers are a human resource; that is, they are our invention.

    (b) We cannot assume that parallel species exist along the same lines as we, and have manufactured radio transmitters and receivers to use on the frequency bands that we use, and the modes of modulation in what we have done in this respect; we can never assume anything! It is very probable that other advanced, (or more advanced species), who might be out there in the infinitely infinite un-confines of space (the univers

  19. Aliens .. here or not ..

    Well as to the first part of your question, things around here break down/fall apart and sometimes things just go wrong -- nobody ever MEANS to get into an accident, but you end up in a car wreck just the same, right?

    I think there's a couple of things to consider first in regards to alien visitors -- Firstly, WHY would they want to reach out to us in a large, showy manner?  If we could go back in time to the age of say the Babylonians, would we make a big announcement that we were from another time and "take us to your leader"? Most likely not.  Assuming that there are alien visitors here and that they are studying our race/species, I think it logical to assume that they would employ a scientific method not too dissimilar from our own.  Think of all the nature shows on TV; the scientists first observe from a distance, and try to learn all that they can about the species they're studying.  This investigation involves all the observable behaviors from mating habits, feeding and socialization, and even migratory patterns. When obersavtion reaches it's pinacle, then it's time for the next phase, physical contact, usually along the lines of a radio tag or some form of tracking device so that scientists can follow the creature when it exceeds basic observation, or for long-term study.

    Are there aliens here or not? Time will tell one way or the other I suppose.

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