
Why do you think that many people come to california? and why are they sometimes disipointed?

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Why do you think that many people come to california? and why are they sometimes disipointed?




  1. California has many good things but also many bad things.  If you've ever flown into So Cal you'll know the bad.  The smog is so thick you cant breathe or see. There have been studies done saying that teens in So Cal have much much worse acne because the air quality is so terrible.  The good things are the beautiful national parks (there are many) the diversity of the people that live there and good schools (universitys)  available.  I grew up one state North of Cali and most of my friends were families that had had enough of the high cost of living and crowded neighboorhoods and chose to move to Oregon instead.  On the flip side, Cali never sleeps and the people are pretty friendly.  Its a very diverse state for sure.

  2. Because the weather, and it's near paradise. Most people are not disappointed and a lot of time want to live here. But few can afford to live in Cali.

  3. I live in Cali, and my dad says that becuase they don't have very severe storms and it usually have nice weather. But it is expensive to live here. My family have been liveing here for awhile so I don't know the price from past to present.

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