
Why do you think that people with no money,no family,no job and no education still struggle to survive?

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You know,the homeless people that ask for money.

Why do they still try to live when they have absolutely nothing left in the world?

And I'm sure they don't believe in G-d,so don't answer 'He still has G-d.'




  1. because they do want to have money, they do want a family and job but they have no way to get it or they do not want it the society way........... the one thing tht they do have is their determination to survive

  2. did you know that a many many homeless people are mentally ill, especially schizophrenia.  many of them are drug addicts.  it is our innate instinct to live, regardless of circumstances.  homeless people have other homeless people to associate with..  hope is a reason to live.  people that are used to nothing but the way their life is are so used to it, that they don't view it as outsiders with homes do.  many do have some family, but the family could not deal with their drug and alcohol habits or their mental illness.  they still have lives. it is just different, and what is different is usually hard for others to understand.

    some do believe in God and some don't, same as people with homes.

    i saw a documentary on a homeless man.  he saw his life as freedom.

    he enjoyed the most simple things.  he still smiled.  he was so used to his life, that he could not even sleep in a bed when he had the chance.  he slept on the hard floor.  blessings to you!!

  3. why do you think they dont believe in God?  makes no sense.  and how do you know that they have nothing left to live for in this world.  They can live for the hope that tomarrow will be a better day than today was.  

  4. regardless of the situation in a persons life there is always hope.  maybe they are homeless by choice, who are we to judge their situation or their belief.

  5. These people simply have hope and the will to live. I remember there was a story about a homeless man that found a million dollar lottery ticket in the gutter.  

  6. Hope.

  7. because their stomachs still need food.

  8. i agree with carissa , if you were them would you have the strength ? youd probablly give up right ? just as i thought, try putting the shoe on the other foot !

  9. Funny that you think a person who's homeless would believe any differently than anyone else.  People are people, not because they have money or a home, but just because of birthright.  No one is more important than anyone else -- no matter what.Survival and procreation are our most basic instincts, so it's a pretty ridiculous question all-in-all.

  10. try to think it this way, would you want to live if you were homeless?

  11. Because one of the best ways to ensure an organism survives where his competitors do not is to instil an instinctual and overriding urge for survival to the exclusion of almost any other consideration. Organisms in a competitive environment with apparent decision making processes and mobility that do not have this might survive or might not but are far less likely to survive and procreate than those who do. Human beings like pretty much any member of the animal kingdom also contain this will for survival.

    Anyway how could you possibly know whether or not they believe in god? How absurd. For that matter what about life before organised education and before monetary systems? If people just gave up because life didn't seem worth living it's doubtful we'd be around. Though I suppose in that situation one normally had family at least.

  12. What? Some homeless people do believe in God? Why does that sound impossible?

    But the homeless that do try to make it out of the situation, do it for theirselves. You care about yourself, right? So why wouldn't you try your best to make it?

  13. becuz they are scared to die ...even though it doesnt matter cuz they have nuttin to lose>>

    but they r humans they feel the same way as us its juss they dont have money or a place to live and thats reall sad....

  14. Because death is the alternative and since it is the fate of all of us why rush into the unknown..Jesus was homeless without a job with out money or an education but he had a heart..

  15. You don't know that they don't believe in God anymore then I don't know if they do believe in him... The answer to your question it is called "THE WILL TO SURVIVE" Everyone is put on this earth for a very special reason there is a reason although at that time in their lives they may not feel like there is. As Far as the homeless people go?? Well just like you they are the only ones that have it within their power to change their lives. My Daughter is only 28 years old and was living in a homeless shelter because she did not have the will to make changes in her life. I live 1,000 miles away from her and she did think about suicide. I told her she has to be the one to decide weather or not she wants to live this kind of a life or else she better start changing it within 8 months she got her a job and her own apartment and is 6 months pregnant plus has a child 6 and one 7. So see you or anyone else can make your life change for the better if you want it bad enough. She was at the debts of despair where she felt suicide was all she had left. The other kids Father had custody of them, i moved away she felt like she had nothing and no-one in her life. I told her same as I do you. you have to want it enough to make it happen you have to desire the changes in your life and work to achieve them! Its the same for the people on the roads chasing pennies they have to want the change enough to make it happen! You always talk about how awful your life is how you were bullyed and live in a 1 bedroom flat well you still have a life maybe a step better then the homeless but your obviouly not any happier of a person now are you? think about it... could have been a few weeks ago this person had a nice house and job and bad turn of events and it's gone and he is a penniless bum on the road as you call him! It's sad you feel that way towards him when at least hecan feel happiness in his heart and whistle a tune where you can not seem to find out how to do this! so sorry best of luck to you!

  16. you are stressed aren't you. believe it or not the" you know "homeless once had homes and quite often had families too. Many have spent more years of their lives in work than most people reading this have been on the planet.circumstance's change and can lead to a person going from a reasonable quality of life to begging on the street within a few weeks.        So as to why they have the cheek to try to live its probably  down to experience and of course a little instinct,experience of before they became homeless a period in their lives before when they went to work and supported a family and went shopping every week and on holiday now and then and drove a ford zafira,you know,just a few weeks before they became this hideous thing asking you for some spare change.      Instinct is in our nature whether we are starving or loaded we all react to danger in whatever form it comes,and just because you suggest that anyone who is so far down society's ladder should give up the will to carry on you're wrong,instinct will prevail.        To finish i would like to congratulate you on your confidence that such an eventuality would never befall you.

  17. If we are leaving religion out of the equation, every living being- even plants (remember that they will move towards the sun) has the will to live.  Maybe the homeless person does not have anything that you or I would value, but he has something that a dying man craves and that is the ability to breath.  The absolute irony of the situation is that the homeless man will exit this life just as the millionaire, penniless...

  18. lol so ur down in the dumps and u shoot urself hmm great

    survival is in our genes though

    all a person has is his life, that is it whatever they say they have nothing more. if u have 1 thing u will cling to it with all of your strength

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