
Why do you think that so many people are shooting people these days?

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Just wanted your opinion. why are so many young people esp. shooting their classmates and others in these mass shootings. Why are they becoming so common. Malls, schools, bullied students, random angry people. Do you think that this phenomenon is unique to today? Do you think that this reflects current society in any way and also it is the governments falut for not having tighter gun control. Note: years ago many people owned guns and no one came to school and shot people ever.




  1. Why do i think there are shooting rampages? Who knows! Some times it could be easily blamed on mental problems or other serious personal issues.  It could be some person obsessed with violence and the need to become famous. Sometimes i dont think we will ever get an answer.  

    As far as why it happens in malls and schools, easy answer, target rich environment.  Schools have virtually no security and are supposed "Gun free" zones since they ban people from carrying any form of fire arms on campus.  Basically malls, schools and other highly populated areas are targets for terrorists and psychos alike.  

    Gun control is a good question but many will cry out for more laws to restrict the owner ship of firearms.  I dont know about you but i dont like the government restricting any of my rights, and that includes the 2nd amendment.  Might i remind you that Illinois has some of the most strictest gun control in the nation, it is ranked 9th on the Brady Groups list of gun safe states.  One thing to always keep in mind is that criminals do not go to gun stores to buy guns, they go to the streets.  In my opinion if a teacher or student feels that they want to get a concealed carry weapons permit, i feel that they should be able to do this as long as they meet the requirements.  A gunman is less likely to go on a shooting rampage at a police station or gunshow, why? Because his/her intended targets are armed and will defend themselves if necessary.  So the gunman will go to these so called "Gun free zones" since the safety of students or shoppers solely relies on security gaurds and local law enforcement.  I think we as Americans must realize that the government cannot protect us 100%  of the time(remember Katrina?).  There is no law saying police are forced to protect you, that is why the Littleton police department did not have any charges successfuly filed against it after the Columbine shooting for the failure to stop the shooters.  I live in California and we have gun laws restricting just about everything yet there were 8 murders in oakland in 1 week and 3 people are murdered in LA every day on average.  Most modern and recent gun laws do not protect you, they simply give politicians and news agencies something to talk about.  When it comes down to it your safety and your families safety are in your hands and in your hands only, do you want the government to continue to restrain you? Remember, crime and incidents like these are not gun problems, they are HUMAN problems.  There was plenty of violence and death before the firearm was invented.   Instead of scapegoats, lets find answers.

  2. Mind control projects.

  3. This happens to be a unique problem only in  countries which are rather relaxed in arm-control, very easily available  and affordably-priced  weapons, and a 'free and fun-loving' mindset. When more than 50% of populace are allowed to  own weapons it is almost impossible to reverse the trend, to change the laws. It appears that we have to live with this  situation for a long, long time, until each and every person suddenly wakes up  to the worrying trend.

    To change the mindset and  culture, we must first reduce on some of the violent, death-defying hobbies and activities around the country. Secondly, to nurture and discipline our young, esp those between the ages of 10-18 to respect and appreciate each other's lives, and to discipline them with regards to violent games(computer or physical), drinking, drugs, etc.

    The future is bright with thousands of innocent lives saved, if only we cultivate in schools and small communities, proper family upbringing of the young, a good sense of safety, security, discipline, volunteerism, courtesy towards our fellow-beings. The documentary series on police enforcement training entitled "The Academy" could be screened to schools and appropriate institutions to bring home several important messages. It is most hear-rending to note that every one and a half days a law enforcement officer is killed in his line of duty, after a most gruelling 16 weeks of tough training, comparable to the military, if not harder.  Officials from Educational, Police Depts and other relevant ministries could make exchange study-visits to those countries with very low crime rates and discover what makes them tick so as  to ensure enhanced social harmony, youth discipline, peace, order and security.

    Why can't we, a most developed nation which has accomplished great things in science, IT, movie-making, space adventures, etc come to face reality and make more positive changes?  It's really hard to comprehend.

  4. People do not see themselves in each other.

    That's the most simple answer possible.

    We are taught we are not a real fundamental part of one another hence we forsake each other under such a belief system. Its a default of the modern mechanistic paradigm and the mis-interpretation of Darwin's concept of survival of the fittest. Turns out a far stronger factor that was un-suspected is survival of the most cooperative. Symbiotics is a foreign concept to modern peoples especially Americans. Consumerism pushes a self image people should not naturally adopt, being the fittest is not the ultimate goal of nature being the most cooperative is. People taught to cooperate value one another intrinsically, people taught American consumerism think its ok to shoot one another when taken to crazy extremes.

  5. Revenge. I'm someone who has been bullied in h.s. and growing up. People can be really cruel so for "revenge"...when myspace became really popular, I looked up my h.s. network and found some kids on there that gamme a hard time and sent them all nasty messages. It was my way at getting back at them.

    When people are bullied on an everyday basis, it can get too much, and we all have our limits. Some people go psycho and get mad at the entire world. Its their way of getting back at everyone who ever gave them a hard time. Guns aren't the problem, people are, if guns were illegal people would find other weapons.

    So treat people well and they will most likely have no need for revenge. There's a lack of respect, acceptance and common courtecy in our society.

  6. it is basic frustration. Lot of factors play a vital role in one action(shooting,in this instance). pollution, child-hood life, worries about the future etc....

    sometimes, virtually you are on the top of a mountain at the edge. you cant decide where to go or what to do now, so the first thing tht comes to ure mind is to jump..and some people fight the urge..some give in.....

    and thus...extreme situations(atleast in the killer's mind) extreme measures....

    think about it.

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