
Why do you think that some ghosts are seen more easily by more people than others?

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Could it be that the more they are seen...the stronger their presence becomes? For example...the hotels etc. someone mentioned. If more people go there to see the ghost (s) ...would that cause the ghost to show itself more often and therefore become stronger (in essence).




  1. My theory is that the appearance of the ghost is 100% about the person who sees it.  In other words, it's a certain "type" of person is more likely to see a ghost.  I've seen this type of person referred to as a "fantasy-prone personality".  Others don't see it because they aren't wired to see things a certain way or because they may not have the whole paranormal belief system already in place when they do notice something unusual.

  2. Unfortunately this question does not have a simple answer.

    So, having forewarned you I will attempt to provide some possible answers.

    One of the theories about ghost sightings is the video recorder theory which states that an emotionally charge event gets recorded in the atmosphere and plays back on a frequency certain people can see. This theory fits with the older idea of a "Collective Unconscious" (link below) proposed by Carl Jung and the newer idea of "Morphic Resonance" (link below) from biologist Rupert Sheldrake that has some experimental support.

    Of course if the video tape theory is true then imagine trying to watch that VHS tape that you have taped over and watched for 15 to 20 years. This would explain from the ghost side why images fade, become less frequent, and then aren't seen again.

    From the "Collective Unconscious" it would be the people (witnesses) side and one would have to find why some people see it and others do not.

    There have been some studies conducted attempting to correlate temporal lobe sensitivity and/or high electro magnetic fields with sightings of ghosts and other paranormal experiences. Of course most of this research makes the assumption (and all experiments have assumptions within them) that if these correlate then a normal explanation has been found (which is confusing causation with correlation). In other words the assumption is not that high electro magnetic fields and/or temporal lobe sensitivity simply makes you better able to see and experience actual ghost. However, until that aspect of the research can be and is tested then that remains a possibility.

    Of course the above are just two possible answers and there is no reason to believe that they can't both be true at the same time or that each one may be true depending on the particular location.


  3. I think it depends on how bad the ghost WANTS to be recognized. Think about it- if you died in some horrible un-natural way, wouldn't you be more likely to WANT to grab a living person's attention? It's almost like a cry for help. People who have died in tragic or violent ways are trying to get our attention because they are stuck here on this plane instead of moving on to heaven (or h**l)- or wherever it is we go after we die. Not to mention their spirit energy is heightened because of their powerful emotions having to do with the cause of thier death....I think the stronger the spirit energy, the more visible a ghost can become.

  4. Some people are flakes.

  5. I think it may have a simpler explanation -- the more that a ghost is reported to appear (perhaps due to it being a popular location), the more popular and widespread the stories about the haunting will be, and this will attract yet more attention and therefore more opportunities for people to come out and get spooked into having their own haunting experience.

  6. I think ghosts are like people too! the more they like to someone, the more they show themselves...but they're no fool. They also know when to show themselves and when not!

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