
Why do you think that some people on this site are so eager to tell a questioner that they are not pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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this happened to be me earlier on. My period was late and pregnancy tests wee coming back negative - cheap pregnancy tests. In my question I gave no indication that I was pinning my hopes on anything because as far as I was concerned if I was pregnant then good, and if I wasn't then I'd have fun trying again.

A few answers kept telling me not to get my hopes up. I wasn't. I simply wanted to know why a period would be late, pregnancy tests negative, whilst I had some pregnancy symptoms.

So an answer said that I was not pregnant when they were in fact wrong as I undertook another test - the more expenisve Clearblue one this afternoon and it came back positive. I understnd having spoken to a family planning clinic this afternoon that false positive results rarely if ever happen...

So why are some people all too eager to try and put a downer on things..?




  1. becos this is yahoo answers, its just a website, no one cares about your question, and no one cares about answering properly. anyone could be behind a computer!

    if you need to know something of a medical matter, either visit or see a GP.

  2. You ask a question be prepared for the answer. Jeez - we aren't mind readers! You know your body more than we do!  

  3. You ask a question on here you leave yourself open to all kinds of answers

    If you aren't prepared to take the good with the bad you really shouldn't post a question

    Not everyone is going to give you the answer you want

  4. Beause they get the kicks out of trying to make other people lives as sad and as miserable as their own.

    Congratulations on the good news and I hope everything goes well for you :-) x*x

  5. I believe that based on what each person knows from their own experiences, they try to say what they know and sometimes try to save people from getting their hopes to high and being let down by a crash. I know that when I answer questions I try to put the positive and the negative on my answers. When someone wants to be pregnant I wish them good luck and baby dust, but I do tell what I know to be true in my opinion, whether this is positive or negative. THUS, everyone has their own opinion and some of them suck. But that's your opinion of each person's answer. Hope this helps you!

  6. Because this site is full of cranky old ladies who like to make others feel bad.  

  7. I am confused! CONGRATS to you!

    DO you mean people on here were sort of happily saying you were not pregnant ?

    Or that the pregnancy tests were wrong!  

  8. For me if someone said u probably aint pregnant and i was, i would feel great, but if someone said i probably was pregnant and i wasn't then it would prob mek me feel bit let down u know, congrats though and good luck x

  9. Easy answer - If they are trying to conceive themselves and are unsuccessful so far then knowing that someone out there might be pregnant brings on elements of envy. Human nature really.

  10. Firstly congratulations! Great news.  

    Secondly - No one on here would be trying to put downers on the situation, I just think we all try to to raise the hopes of each other.

    Be happy :-) x*x

  11. Well first off we are not doctors, this website is an open discussion where you get opinions from normal everyday people with similar symptoms and what they're turn out was. In my experience nobody on here has ever try to be a downer but rather try to be informative and open minded. It's a forum where people talk. If you dont care for the answers you are getting then try going to another site or consult a doctor who can give you more accurate medical answers.  

  12. Another reason you're getting so many probably not pregnant is because others have had similar events and have found out that they weren't pregnant. TTC is a very emotional event and it sucks to pin your hopes up each month. People may take their experiences and tell you that they don't think you're pregnant and knowing how difficult it is when you keep holding out hope to finally see AF arrive.

    Understand that there are all different people on the site with different backgrounds and experiences. What you find harmful others find helpful.

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