
Why do you think that such tests as the MCAT and the LSAT are graded using percentiles?

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Why do you think that such tests as the MCAT and the LSAT are graded using percentiles?




  1. ?

  2. They are graded on the bell curve in order to better rank students (percentiles). This gives schools an accurate representation of where on the curve you fall, and thus your over all competitivity. This is superior to just a numerical score from 1 to 100 because it adds value to your score based on comparing you to other test takers. When you score a 91, the difference between you and a taker who got a 89 is the same as someone who got a 93. However, percentiles recognize that getting from an 89 to a 91 is not as hard as getting from a 91 to a 93, and this is shown by the bell curve. Since most people fall close to average, exceeding or falling short of the average ranks you significantly apart from those who are average. It separates the wheat from the chaff.

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