
Why do you think the Capulets and Montagues are fighting?

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Please note that if you answer this question that the topic might be used as a diary entry for an assignment.

Pllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz... help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. Do you mean the two families from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? If so it's b/c there was a long family fued between can search more about it online.

  2. They're drama queens.  Their daughter and son are happy.  It'd be too easy to just be happy for them.  

  3. im not sure if shakespear actually stated a reason why they were fighting. but heres how i see it........they were two big familys maybe once they were friends. they had a disagrement and it got bigger from there, u know how people are nobody wants to admit there wrong the whole pride thing. thats what i think happend. hoped i helped.

  4. Why do you fight with your boy friend? Take that and relate it too families. Any reason is good enough.  Usually a in a feud, nobody even remembers the reason.  Something like:  he said, she did, because you said that he... 20 generations ago and on.


  5. Its generally a generally accepted point of view that the Montagues and Capulets were based on the historical Guelphs (Capulets/Capuleti) and Ghibellines (Montagues/Montecchi) feud

    You may wish to take a look at the following link for more information


    If you're not after the historical reason, then it might be better to just make it  a generic power struggle for Verona's territory, something vaguely political/money oriented. A backdrop that doesn't need going into (and therefore not explained by Shakespeare),

    Love triangles would make for good reading, and so would probably be included and explained by Shakespeare as a juicy detail, since he seems to love melodrama. Besides that motivation might be a bit trivial for whole extended families to be at war with each other.


    Here is the start of the prologue:

    Two households, both alike in dignity,

    In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

    From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

    Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

    From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

    A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;

    So if it is something as personal as broken hearts, I'd suggest making it set a long time ago as its described as an 'ancient grudge'

  6. there is no correct answer. it is never stated, that i remember, in the script SPECIFICALLY why they are fighting. shakespeare tells us that it is merely something that predates romeo and juliet. so if you're looking for something specific based off of the script, you're not going to do. we can guess why. we can hypothetically come up with many many different reasons, but we will never know for sure.

    now, if you're asking for something specific in the context that you're writing something fiction. like, you've been asked to write a journal entry, as a character, and to come up with a reason, that's cool. as long as it's fictional, you can make up anything you want. but, other than that, there's no answer that i'm aware of.  

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