
Why do you think the McCann’s?

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Didn’t demand the twins were tested for drugs when the two tots strangely slept through it all? Fiona Payne observed the strange behaviour of Kate who seemed to want to confirm that that her youngest children were alive, checking if they were breathing; kate approached the twins various times, holding her fingers close to their noses?

First they say their children feel asleep between 7:30 – 8:00, which was their excuse for leaving them, yet they then contradict themselves (again) by saying - Maddie had difficulties in falling asleep and that to fight those fears they set a points system. The child would be rewarded when she was able to achieve certain goals.

And yet they left the same fearful child alone again and again, even after she asked them why they didn’t come when they were crying? Is this why they sedated them to shut them up? NO wonder there are so many unanswered questions….




  1. You will never find the answer to your question on here or anywhere else until Maddie is found, dead or alive.

  2. There was another doctor who had a sick child.  The most likely scenario would seem to be that both children were given something to make them sleep one just had a bad reaction but Maddie died.

    Since they were all doctors it is likely all the tapas nine knew about it and ended up in the cover up!

    Significantly there was a sighting of Gerry at the harbour carrying a child but the police discounted it because he had an alibi - supplied by?  You guessed it - the tapas nine!!!

  3. Here we go again, yes the McCann's have made a huge mistake, though think they will be living with this for the resof of their lives give them a break.

  4. Good point.Have you noticed that the pro McCanns never post a link to back up their position.

    Why do they bother to answer questions that they are supposedly bored with.why not just  ignore them if they are bored or is that too simple or are they trying to close down any dialogue regarding the issue.

  5. The twins hair WAS tested for drugs by the British police and found to be negative which is one reason that the parents have NOT been charged with any offence what so ever. If you are so clever why don't you send your stupid accusations to the police of both countries and to British Social Services who I feel sure would be more than interested to read them. Of course you may face a charge of wasting police time. Have you had the opportunity of reading the police report yourself or just spouting of extracts printed by the gutter press.  

  6. I think Joana Morais is a vulture and you're not much better for reading her vile speculation.

  7. The kidnapper must have drugged the other children! That is the most pathetic story that I've heard. They drugged the kids plain and simple, unfortunately they overdosed Maddie and in their attempt to cover this up they made some fundamental mistakes. The truth will come and what happens to those guilty will be reflected in the sentences they receive. Long I hope very long.

  8. I think the same of them now as I did when this first hit the headlines,,and it ain't a lot,

  9. I never understood that, (even before i came off the 'fence') if i was convinced that my little girl had been 'abducted' (instead of considering the possibility of her waking and wandering off )..especially.. due to me leaving her on her own, I would be paranoid about my other 2children if they where sleeping soundly through the absolute mania that must happen if you discover one of your children gone, the concern Kate showed by checking they where breathing is a obvious indication she was worried, and i would need to know if some b@stard had drugged them too (with a mind to take all three kids!) fact i would of DEMANDED the GNR take samples asap to find out what kind of drug ..if any... had been used... i would want to know all about possible side effects, and if there was anything i could give them to counteract them...

    f***y .. sorry but babies don't sleep anywhere and through anything ... nope, ask any mum..

    erm the Algarve isn't in the med! ;)

  10. OMG, is it ever going to be enough? You are "spouting off" speculation!!! yes those are police reports and I have read what is available, but this is also by police who have been FIRED!!! taken off the case, didn't secure a crime scene i cold keep going on. No one knows how they would react in a situation like this. We all think we would freak out and be a mess, well maybe some go into shock, some put the extreme panic aside and try to remain calm so that they can get all they know out to the police. Yes, it was a HUGE mistake to leave the children, no excuse for it, it was a BAD decision, you think they haven't figured that out yet? This could happen to any parent. If someone is targeting a child, it only takes a few seconds. Even if one of the parents were in the shower, someone could come in and take a child, and this could happen to anyone anywhere. Put yourself to something more productive like "spouting" about missing and exploited children, but do it in a manner that helps the children, not SPECULATES about your opinion. So not productive!!!!

  11. they are a pair of c   u  n   t s!!!!!!!

    who the f  u  c   k    would leave there children alone



    REPORT ME!!!!!





    BYE   BYE  

  12. This pair are scum. The reason why the McCanns didn't allow drugs testing immediately was because they knew drugs would be found in the twins. When they did suggest having them tested it was months later and the McCanns knews all traces would be gone. Even Kate's mother acknowledged that the Mcs drugged their kids.

    Perhaps the list on the fridge was not a chart to help Maddy stay in bed but a chart to monitor what drugs were given to the kids.?l

    EDIT I reckon the chart was there so that K&G could tick it off when one of them had given the sleeping drugs each evening but one of them forgot to tick the chart and the other one gave the drugs again causing maddy to die.

    EDIT f***y, Babies don't sleep through people shouting their heads off and stampeding in their dozens through the room ! Those twins are twp individual beings so it is more than a coincidence that NEITHER woke up.

  13. I have read them and certainly agree with you.

    I see your question has got quite a few backs up.

    I wonder why

  14. Do these questions really need to be asked every day?

  15. Do you remember when the McCanns got back from Portugal and he gave a statement to the press on the tarmac next to the plane?One of the twins was spark out lying on his shoulder snoring away like a good yin with a ruddy great plane engine roaring right beside them.Yes Babies can sleep through anything if they're tired enough and when wee ones are running mad all day in the hot med sun that's exactly how they sleep.

  16. "Quote from Joana Morais blog ~ "This behaviour, linked to the fact confirmed afterwards by Maddie's grandparents, that the children took a sleeping pill to help them go to sleep - a common medication that might be usual in the United Kingdom and often given to children - raised doubts to the investigators."

    I don't remember that ever being a fact! That sounds like a lie to me.

  17. All of your links are suspicious and unreliable witch hunts.

    Why would they demand the twins a drug test? Babies of their age, at the time, 20 months, sleep through all sorts of noise. Hoovers, mum & dad arguing, music, television, washing machines...

    I doubt that the intruder crashed about and made much noise either , so why would 2 20month old babies wake up?

    You're barking up the wrong tree & this question has been asked and answered over a 1000 times on here.


  18. This was been talked about, discussed so many times. It doesn't matter now, the important thing is to find the body.

    Justice for poor innocent little girl.

    I hope justice will prevail at the end and soon.

    How can they do this to her. Poor little Madeleine.

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