
Why do you think the Pelosi book debuted at #41 on the non-fiction charts?

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She sold only 2,737 copies in her first week.

For comparison, "Obama Nation" debuted at #1, with 21,466 copies sold the very first week.

In your opinion, what do you think caused Nancy's book to see such low numbers?




  1. any book written by a liberal can't really be considered non-fiction

  2. Because she's a legend in her own mind...

    I'm from San Francisco and I can't stand her...

  3. Obama Nation is telling the facts, whereas Pelosi's book should have been categorized as fiction.


  4. Didn't Ann Coulter's heresy debut at #82 in Nonfiction sales?  

  5. Isn't it obvious? Pelosi stinks and nobody likes her except her blue dog Democrat ilk.

    Obama Nation did well because it got a lot of publicity, and all the knuckle draggers were waiting for it with baited breath

  6. Maybe because she's a friggin' moron?

  7. Reason is she didn't cheat.

    Conservative groups artificially hike up those numbers by buying large quantities of conservative books to later sell them for a few bucks.

    "Conservative writes a book dripping with froth about how liberals eat babies or something. Then conservative groups (sometimes arms of the conservative book publisher) buy up huge quantities of the books, and sell them at drastic discounts to conservative book clubs, and other conservative outlets.  I might even buy Obama Nation for $1.

    Obama Nation, by swift-boater Jerome Corsi, is the most recent #1 best seller in this scheme. The book has been ripped to shreds by fact checkers (not all of whom are liberals), but will continue to be hawked on FOX "News" as a #1 book, and that alone gives it its credibility. Just like the equally ridiculous Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg just a couple of months ago. "

  8. Obama Nation has been exposed as a pack of lies.  Most intelligent people view it for what it is.  It is bathroom reading.  In other words, it is full of c**p.

    It says a lot about the hate that has taken over the Republican party when it debuts at #1.  That is very sad.

  9. Because Communism has already been discussed ad-naseum in many other books; hers is nothing new!


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