
Why do you think the media is glamorizing motherhood?

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It seems as if there is more focus on the babies of celebrities, baby "bumps", nude pregnant covers and most of the mag covers in the grocery store lines have something to do with some famous person's baby. You can't help but wonder if it is affecting young girls' ideas about giving life. It is not as glamorous as they make it out to be...Why do they treat these living things like fashion accessories? And is it the "in" thing to have a child?




  1. I do notice that more celebrities seem to be having kids around the same time. Being interested in celebrities will obviously lead to more interest when they have kids. If mothers want to prevent their daughters from having the idea that motherhood is all glamore, they need to explain the reality to them. Make them understand that what they see on the TV or on magazines just show whats on the surface, not how difficult things can really be when the camaras aren't around. However, I don't think it's wrong for celebrities to celebrate being parents.  Despite the hard times, it's suppose to be a joyful event.

  2. Yes they are glamorizing it! Why wouldn't they? Its a story that catches the publics eye... how many times did you watch or read stories about Brittany Spears going insane?

    Its not right but it is what puts bread on the media workers table at the end of the day.

  3. it's their  job, they  need to make a living too i guess.

    the " in" probably cuz young celebs are pregnant

    check this out;...

  4. That's interesting. Is it only recently though? Haven't trends like this been occurring since the 60s? Has the teen pregnancy rate changed since then?

    Then again, there are stunts like these:

  5. Because it sells.

    Most women want to have children and look forward to being mothers. I know I'll get a bunch of thumbs downs for this from feminists, but it's true. The media focuses on what sells, and glamorizing motherhood and babies sells.

  6. republican retards=media

  7. I'm so with you on this one! Me and my sister were just talking about how they are focusing on this alot now. I dont think that its affecting the way younger ones look at it though. teens have been getting prego for a lot longer than its been in the magazines. I do think that it is giving the them false hope about it being easy to raise them though. I dont think that the papparazi have much left to focus on anymore!

  8. Because we are so fascinated with celebs and what ever they are fascinated with and their current trend is the baby bump, or having children, so that is what the media portrays to us.

  9. The powers that be would like young women in Europe and North America to increase the birth rate.  We aren't having enough babies to replace ourselves.The thinking is that if new immigrants outnumber children born to resident populations an enormous cultural shift could lead to instability in the economy and values of western countries. This is the same kind of propaganda that forced women out of paid work and into domesticity after the last world war.

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