
Why do you think the people who support illegal immigration?

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Never have an issue with the way the Mexican Gov't treats it's own people.

Where is the out cry against Mexico's Gov't




  1. For all those people who think illegals steal jobs and economy and are all dangerous criminals......YOU'RE WRONG.

    I understand that they can live in their own country, but would you rather live in a country where you can barely make a living, let alone for your family, or would you go to a country known for it's prosper?

    And I don't see why everyone's complaining.  If the feds really, really wanted the illegals gone, they can just go to the farms on the Arizona-Mexican border.  There are tons of illegals there, but the feds don't lock them up because they know that if they don't take the job, no one else will.  How many American's do you know that will work outside in the sun in harsh conditions for low pay?  None, right?

    So stop complaining, because most of them are just trying to support their families.

  2. Hey hey hey.

    They do but that makes no change, they will just get arrested.

    People here protest against illegal immigration but the government does not care.

    If the government wanted the illegals gone because their supposedly a threat to this nation they would have deported them.

    And also both presidential nominees are for amnesty.

  3. I do have issues with the Mexican government, and we all should.  

    Meanwhile the people are the ones that suffer.  Ok call me a bleeding heart, but I have seen the desperation first hand.

    You are right, the governments on both sides are to blame.  But do we sit and let our neighbor's house burn because they don't have a hose, or didn't pay their water bill, or whatever analogy I was going for.  

    Certainly we can find a way to deal with the suffering at our back door, besides using and abusing them.  

    I don't support illegal immigration.  But I have heard people say we should shoot them and leave their bodies to rot in the desert as an example.  

    Who we are as a people is being challenged on every level. Mexico isn't just one big Club Med.  It's filled with people who need jobs, and a future for their children.  Why, as their neighbor haven't we been able to work for a better solution?

    We should have issues with both governments and demand some answers.

  4. That's right , how about that !!!

    Because Corperations and other special interest groups are pushing Americans to welcome them and forget , that they are here , illegally .

  5. I an native to America to and yes there is something wrong with people from anywhere coming here illegally.

    Breaking the law to get a better life is what criminals and lazy people do. Work for what you want, obey laws, and don't play the race card and everything will be fine. Dont' believe all the myths about how 'good" illegals are, they broke the law and need to be punished like all criminal. That's the problem with illegal supporters, they will look for any excuse to defend crime. pathetic.

  6. I have an issue with the way the Government is ran there, but I'm in the US. So what good does it do to speak up when I'm in another country? It's not going to change anything. So I'll just worry about discussing facts and not lies on illegal immigration.

  7. Outstanding observation.  I guess for the same reason that the illegals themselves come here, demonstrate, defile our flag and demand we change our laws and system to accommodate them.  Why can't they change things for the better back at home?

  8. It's filled with people who need jobs, and a future for their children. Why, as their neighbor haven't we been able to work for a better solution?Why is it our problem. There a lots of jobs in Mexico. It's just the Mexicans will not do the jobs Mexicans do and therefore illegals to south of Mexico come in and do the jobs Mexicans refuse to do.

  9. i think theyre idiots who let their own little fantasy world and feelings get in the way of reality.

  10. No clue, but great question! You would think they would rebel like many others have to get correct treatment etc. I love it when pro illegals say that the illegals just come here and do their criminal activity to make money and feed their family. If someone robs a store to steal food just to feed his family, they do not get a free pass, so neither should illegal aliens.

  11. In case you haven't noticed, people that support the illegal invasion of the U.S. are generally about 5 beers short of a  6 pack.  Just look as some of the excuses they use to defend these criminals.  No rhyme or reason.

  12. Because they could care less.  Most supporters fall into one of several categories.

    1. They are Mexicans who have relatives or friends that they want to get amnesty.

    2. They are employers who love the fact that illegals will work like slaves for slave wages and this in turn drives down wages for the rest of the country.

    3. They are sympathetic to the plight of illegals.  These people are usually very uninformed about the subject or else they would place their support for the 3-4 BILLION people in the world who's lives are far worse off then the average illegal from mexico.  These people like to feel better about themselves through the imposition of their ideals on others.  If they were really sympathetic they would just donate all of their money to mexicans - which of course they don't!  They are hypocrites.

    4. They are politicians who feel they can pander to the above groups for either votes, campaign contributions or emotional support.

    Most people who are open borders advocates are just looking out for themselves.

  13. yeah, all these "hard working" people would rather come here illegally, and have the whole country learn Spanish, complain, learn how to work our system to survive, yet they cant put in the effort to just change where they come from. makes no sense.  

  14. Well, that is another situation

    But you are right. Mexico treats Cubans like they were dogs

    And to add insult to injury, they support fidel kastro

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