
Why do you think the president must be a native-born citizen of the United States?

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Electing Our President




  1. that way they can sentence him to death if he does treason

  2. The reason the clause was inserted into the constitution was probably to ensure that any President didn't have any particular sympathies to other countries.

  3. So another country can't influence the political process and America can remain a sovereign country.

  4. I really don't care.  It's not my rules.  But why do you think all American born citizens are naive?  Maybe you should give Canada a shot...

  5. Use California as an example, that's why.

  6. A long time ago we were not so eager to accept illegal immigrants and were selective about who we allowed into the country.   We wanted a homogeneous society, but there will soon be a proposal to allow illegal immigrants the right to run for president provided they have not been convicted of a felony in the last two years preceding the election.

    There is no requirement that the president speak or write in English.

  7. Because if he's from another country originally, he might have that country's interests at heart rather than, or at least in addition to, ours.

  8. Article Two of the Constitution requires it.  

  9. He shouldn't have a wife who hates her country unless her husband becomes President

  10. Because it says so in the Constitution.

  11. i think its becuase so our president wont be soft on any country if or relations with the country are a bit icy

  12. Because it's written in the constitution.

  13. The Constitution stipulates they must be natural citizen of the United States meaning no immigrants or illegals. It doesn't mean you cannot be born abroad on a US military base.

  14. I can't believe anyone would even ask such a question.  Is our education system this flawed, really?

  15. Well let's see........duh!  

  16. So that our country does not end up in the same parils as Germany was with Hitler. After all he was not a native of Germany.  

  17. Because it's written in the Constitution, which is enough for me. Our Forefathers had a reason for writing it the way they did.

  18. Well, if you're going to attempt to run this country, you probably have some experience living in it. That being said, I don't necessarily think you must be "born" here to run for office. However, since the vast majority of this nation consists of backward xenophobes, the odds that we'll see a foreign born pres any time soon are pretty slim.

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