
Why do you think they call it "making love" ?

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Why do you think they call it "making love" ?




  1. Because, when couples usually call it that, they are in love and are showing it in the most initimate and fulfilling way they can. They are, in essence, "making" more "love."

    If they just call it s*x, or something more vulgar, then there's no love, just lust.

    I don't know, I'm sleepy. Can't think straight.

  2. It is beyond having s*x. This is love. This is passion. This is beautiful.

  3. ...because its a nice way to spend the evening..."making love"...pleasing to the soul...

    ..."swapping spit" and "pin the tail" is old school...

    ...thanks for asking...

  4. Sounds better than "making baby".

  5. It's a little like making a cake. the ingredients can exist but until you do the right things with them they are not actually a cake in other words you can love someone in a certain sense but until you actually ignite each others passion you will never have actually experienced that love that binds.

  6. Because "making sexual intercourse" just sounds stupid and long winded?

  7. Well...its supposed to be a physical expression of your love, no?

    unless it really is just a sugar coated word for lust...and if it is then that makes me sad...mmm =/

  8. Euphemism is socially polite.

    The underlying (no pun intended) dynamic:  love is the dynamic harmony of all that really is.  If one cannot sit at table with the beloved (be it one's sexual partner, one's parent, one's minister, one's child, etc.), and feel love without having to "make it" via e.g. sexual arousal, one is in lust, not in love.

    "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet,

    "Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon," O. M. Aivanhov, and

    "When God Writes Your Love Story," Eric and Leslie Ludy, help.

    Sexual energy is the second most powerful human energy, after Spirit.

    The wholeness of energy for the organism in sexuality is noted in the word "o****m."  That wholeness is love via activation of wholeness via sensory energy intensity, invvolvement, and focus.  This organismal wholeness is a kind of love, the dynamic harmony of all that really is.  Thus to go into sexual mode is the most powerful, save Spirit, means of experiencing love (divine Love is experienced via Spirit).

  9. It means that it's the physical manifestation of what you feel as love.  

  10. They call it making love because it is lovemaking. Good for the love we share and very pleasing physically and emotionally.

  11. God question. The fact of the matter that sexual intercourse in and of itself has nothing to do with love. Any two sexually mature, consenting participants can have s*x. It only becomes making love when two people are truly committed to one another in a relationship characterized by mutual love and respect. Simply put, s*x is an act; love is a deep emotion that grows as two peoples commitment, trust and respect for one another grows; as two people come to know each other better than anyone else. Sexual intercourse becomes "love making" what it is the result of genuine love.

  12. Because of the emotional tangle that comes from letting your guard down that much for such an intimate act. I mean, it's not like you and a partner are making waffles...

  13. It is a euphemism.

    Historically "making love" meant roughly the same as "flirting". Indeed, if you read a lot of early 20th century fiction you will find lots of references to people "making love" in railway stations, gardens, at the dinner table etc., which reads very oddly to the modern eye!

    That usage goes back centuries, you'll find it at least as far back as Henry VIII.

    Sometime in the swinging '60s the "make love not war" slogan, which was essentially pacifist rather than sexual got all confused with the "free love" movement and the meaning changed to what it is now.

  14. Because "making love" is different than "just s*x".

    It contains more feelings between two people than just having s*x which anyone could do, feelings being the key word.

  15. In my view..It should be called "making love"  only AFTER marriage :)

  16. Because romantic love is about 75% carnal lust.  We just don't like to admit it, but it's revealed in our behavior the words we use.

  17. Except for representing action,  it doesn't make sense!  

    As if it is some kind of foolproof recipe for creating love!

    What about the cases where payment is involved?

  18. Maybe they cannot differentiate love and lust.

  19. Think about the implications. If two people are "making love" it suggests, then, that what they're making doesn't exist yet (rather, there making it). What is used to make it? Obviously, s*x. The implication suggests that s*x is necessary for love to occur between two people. That is, s*x must happen in order for love to exist in a relationship. So, John says to Jan "lets make love" as if they didn't have it yet. This certainly is a mind-set that we have in our society today. At least, for most relationships people seem "confused" and "iffy" about whether they like such and such a person. Only after we have s*x do people, usually, have a more firm decision whether they are "in love" and want to "be" with this person. With this being said, s*x seems to be more fundamental than love; at least, as of now. However, just because this may be the case it certainly doesn't follow that's the way it should be.

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