
Why do you think they made "The Mist" have such a horrible ending?

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I think that was the worst ending on a movie that I have ever seen - the main character guy shooting everybody in the car, along with his son.

Couldn't they have ended it on a more positive, euphoric note? Say, they were just about to commit suicide when all of a sudden, he sees an army tank in their rear view mirror and they all get taken back home.

His scream at the end was horrible too, I cringed every time he did it.

So, why do you think they chose to have a horrible, bad ending instead of a happy ending in this movie?

I thought this movie was pretty good right up until the end. I would give it 4 (out of 5) stars if it wasn't for the ending, but I give it 2.5 because of a combination of the bad ending and that stupid "religious" lady who was freakin' annoying all the way through!




  1. this is why people these days have bad taste in movies, they always expect good things to happen at the end. well, apprecitate this movie for what it is and stop complaining about the ending. I give credit for this movie becuase atleast it tries to be different then what 100 other movies that comes out that always have the typical Hollywood "feel good" endings. anyway, i thought the ending was sad, but it was good nontheless.

  2. I agree, the ending was shocking.  It's different from the book.I read that the director wanted it that way because it' s more related to nowadays circumstances.  And also the director wanted to emphasize how human being reacted to under pressure environment.  People intend to do drastic or unpredictable behaviour.  Shocking ending but i guess that's make the movie one of my fav

  3. i know it was a horrible ending

  4. I loved it I thought it was a great movie  


  6. I feel the exact same way.  I HATED the ending

    That nut lady in the movie was really distracting also.  I think the book by Stephen King was better,.

    Speaking of Stephen King, one movie that I DO really recommend is "Storm of the Century".  This movie is really awesome and creepy. Wait til you see the ending of THIS one!!!!!

  7. I couldn't agree more. I guess they ran out of options. I epscially hated the religious woman ranting about how god is doing everything, I wanted to punch her face. Well to the point, I think it was just a ending to make people watching it go, "Omg he could've waited a minutes and they could have lived.  And the Dad cries and cries, The End. Boo! 1 Star Movie I think.

  8. OMG I hated the ending!!!! So sad :(

  9. i heard that the director made the ending that way, cuz in the book its different

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