
Why do you think this item has no bids yet i know it is expensive but the price of gold is going through the?

by  |  earlier

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roof at the momant.There is a reserve but know one has dipped there toe in the water yet.




  1. some one will place a bid on it towards the end of the action for if people start bidding now the price will only get pushed up most bids are placed in the last 5 minutes take care

  2. It's only 9 ct,You could get it cheaper in Argos and it looks as cheap as anything you could purchase anywhere.

  3. Reserve said £0.99p when I went on there and I still wouldn't get it as it looks tacky!

  4. May be its fake or a con.

  5. You can inflate the insurance value, but if it got nicked they would only pay you what it was worth.... in this case, 9 carat hoody chain, about £250 if your lucky.

    Your also trying to sell it at the wrong time, everyone is saving for holiday, there's no money around (as you know, or you wouldn't be trying to sell this) and everyone is very cautious. Only advice I got is if it doesn't go this time give it a month or so and try again.


  6. It's ugly, tacky and cheap looking.  The only kind of people who wear these are the ones who nick them because they can't afford to buy them.  Is it Argos?

    You could try cash converters or a pawn shop if you're desperate to get shot of it.

  7. If the price of gold is going though the....

    Why are you selling Gold?

    Why are you not hanging on to your investment opportunity?

    Just cos Sky News says Gold is valuable, doesn't mean that every numpty will bid on it

  8. Probably because theres a reserve on it, but there may be a last minute flurry!

  9. Because its horrible! Besides below is a question offering £165 and you said no. I dont get it.

  10. 9 carat threw me off immediatly. That and the looks I would think are your reasons.


  11. Because you only have feedback of 50 .. most buyers look for at least 100 AND for you being a 'regular' seller of similar items ..

    Buyers look for 'red flags' to avoid problems such as honest mistakes (if you don't normally sell this sort of stuff the description may be incorrect - and it's unlikely you would know if it's fake yourself)

    Scamming on eBay is big business .. con-merchants set up dozens of accounts at the same time and build up positive feedback buying by selling small tiny value items (it used to be 'ebooks' since they didn't even have to pay postage on that ..) ..   and genuine accounts are being stolen ('phished') all the time ...

    The accounts may then lie dormant for a while since a 'good' account can be traded or sold on ... when some scam artist is ready to clean up they post up the high value 'sting' item(s) (usually it's Laptop PC's or mobile phones) ...

  12. depends whether someone actually wants it

    yes it may seem a bargain , but if the reserve is say £500 most people wont bother. You go on EBay because you thingk you can get a bargain

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