
Why do you think we are here on this earth?

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please do not mention the word god or bible or heaven or h**l or satan...THANKS IN ADVANCE




  1. Here goes! I don't think I ask myself the question that way. For me the question is: What am I doing here? Is it the same question? Literally not,certainly, but maybe things go deeper. (That's the Freudian streak, I suppose!) What am I doing with my life? Am I trying to answer my own uncertainties and questionings, my own desire to reach out and find? Am I developing my own interests, giving myself to life in such a way that it simply carries me on?

    It's a lame answer, no answer really, but it expresses a little what your question provokes in me. I just have the feeling, the intuition, that if I were answering or trying to answer the things that are inside me, if I were filling my life and fulfilling myself, I wouldn't need to ask a question like that, the answer would be so obvious. And that doesn't mean your question and your way of questioning are not of vital importance. But somehow, for me at least, there is a link between them. Just to finish, these lines from Wordsworth's Ode on the Intimations of Immortality. (Don't let the title offend you!)

    Not for these I raise  

        The song of thanks and praise;

        But for those obstinate questionings  

        Of sense and outward things,  

        Fallings from us, vanishings;  

        Blank misgivings of a Creature

  2. to be fruitful and multiply lol

  3. UHHHHH Where else would we be if we weren't here? Is there another Earth I am unaware of?

  4. The ultimate unmatched highest power existing in both this world and another brought us into existence in order to love us.

    Unfortunately many of us decide not to acknowledge him and end up living eternaly in a horrid world separated from him.

    Those that make the choice to live as he ask end up spending eternity with him.

    Cool huh?

  5. I think something created us, and we're like their pets. We are so small, so tiny, so pointless, and it makes me laugh to see that a man could have so much power (ie: the president) when he is just as tiny as the rest of us. Humans are weak, when you think about it. We have brains that help us create technology, sure, but when you really think about it? We are weak.

    I know that sounded kinda weird, but yeah. :)

    EDIT: Oh my! I used to think the same thing! (The girl under me.) I guess the things we think are weird are actually... Not.

    EDIT 2: I guess we are awesome.

  6. i don't know i always wanted to know that too

    i always thought we lived in like a globe  you know  almost like the plastic ones that you shake and stuff falls, but only this is sorta real i guess and invisible people are watching us live on this planet and when they shake the globe it snows, or rains,

    i really don't know that's just my creative thoughts on to why we live here

    maybe to have fun

    hmm i guess i'll never know

    maybe it will all be solved out one day

    EDIT: lol, Julia A, i guess it's  not that weird haha! were cool =] maybe we are right


  7. On this earth? Because Mars was full.

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