
Why do you think we somehow fear swiftness in life,

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yet when things become too boring, we rebel at its slowness?




  1. The inner clock of each of us wants a steady balance for the general overall way of life.  Too slow and we're bored, too fast and we may get overwhelmed.  I think it's just a built in instinct, but it's stronger in some than in others.  

  2. Because swiftness implies change, and change is scary because of its uncertainty.

    Meanwhile, people want to be entertained and if things slow down too much, people get bored.

  3. Truth is boring. people always fear Falsehood

  4. good question, the first answer that comes to mind is that if things are happening faster than our brain can perceive than we fear that we wont be able to keep up but if its slower then our brain has extra time to think about boredom. On second thought, tackling swiftness could be a words of john mayor "fear is a friend who is misunderstood"

  5. It's human nature (we are never satisfied).

    George Carlin once noted that when we're driving in our cars, all the people who are moving slower than we are we think of as "idiots" and all those who are moving faster than we are we think of as "maniacs".

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