
Why do you think wolves are bad or good?

by Guest45067  |  earlier

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Why do you think wolves are bad or good?




  1. good of course! i love wolves they are the most beautiful animals ever.

  2. I don't think any animal is "bad" or "evil". It's humans that classify animals as good and bad.

    Of course, the wolves prey probably view the wolves as bad.

    Wolves are good. They plays a vital role in the ecosystem. Wolves help limit the populations of other animals and weed out the weak and injured.

  3. I like them because they are remnants from our not too distant past.  Wolves are very interesting and can teach us a lot about their descenants, the domesticated dog.

  4. Good hunters, bad pets.

  5. In the movies and in fairy-tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, wolves are always portrayed as bad guys. However, these have no basis in reality and serve to give the wolf an undeserved bad reputation. In reality, wolves are definitely good guys. There is no record of a healthy wolf ever attacking a human - all reports of 'wolf attacks' have proved to be attacks by either feral dogs, wolf-dog hybrids, or rabid wolves.

    A wolf pack is basically an extended family. It is led by a dominant pair, called the alpha male and female, who are the only members of the pack to breed. They mate for life, and the whole pack helps raise the young. The other members of the pack are the alpha pair's siblings and/or offspring. They are extremely loyal and devoted to each other, and will feed and take care of injured or sick pack members. They also work as an efficient and co-ordinated team to bring down prey animals, such as moose, which can be ten times heavier than any one wolf.

    Wolves are also a vital part of the ecosystem. As predators, they keep the populations of their prey healthy and at a manageable level for the environment. By killing the weak and sick, they leave only healthy animals to breed and pass on their genes to the next generation. Where wolves have been exterminated, as was the case in Yellowstone Park before their reintroduction, the populations of animals such as deer and elk explode, damaging the environment by over-grazing and leaving themselves without enough food.

    Also, without wolves, man's best friend, the domestic dog, would not exist. Dogs are the direct descendants of wolves, and many of the qualities we admire in dogs, such as loyalty, intelligence and courage, are those they have inherited from their ancestor and allow it to survive in the wild.

    Three cheers for wolves!

  6. Good

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