
Why do you think your OPINIONS on abortion should be a Federal law forced on others?

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Instead of judging people, "Christians" shouldnt you be feeding the poor or helping the blind? Christ didnt tell women what to do with their bodies, he forgave under any circumstances

Shouldn't every child should be a wanted child?

What about rape and incest?

Why should somebody have the right to impose their morals on me?

If abortion is outlawed won't women be forced to go to back-alley abortion clinics?

Doesn't aborting unwanted children reduce the number of abused children?

Isnt killing innocent kids in Iraq murder too? Or is it okay cause the US government said so?

Im just curious. I think all fat people should go on diets but I dont try to impose these ideas on others and make them into laws. And I think all ugly people should get plastic surgery.

Its not any one elses place to tell me what I shoud do with a clump of cells that cant live outside of my body.

When it can live on its own- it is officially alive then.

Get off your high horse and let God do his job..

And If I dont want to carry a baby for 10 months and then give it to someone else thats my right,.

How bout them apples.




  1. If anyone were REALLY against abortion they would fully support s*x education and birth control in every classroom.

  2. No.

  3. Well... to start there are such things called condoms and birth control and s*x  ed classes.  If you are for abortion then you wouldn't mind  killing  all the kids in Iraq  'being murdered" And about the fat people maybe they are happy with the way they are and who is to say who is ugly and who is pretty. Not me and not you. God gave all of us a purpose in life and you have you duty and live your life but for me I am Pro life and against abortion because there is always the option of adoption.

  4. They believe you're alive the moment dad came.  Why else do you think they're against birth control?  The thing is they're complete hypocrites.  They believe you have a right to life... until birth.  Then if you're disobedient, you should be stoned to death.  They support war and murder by the thousand.  They don't support universal health care and food for the needy consigning millions of children to die from preventable disease and starvation.  They're against inoculations for unknowable reasons putting not only their own children at risk, but yours as well.  

    When you ask a reasonable question of an unreasonable people, you have to expect you won't get many good answers.

  5. Abortion was forced upon Christians because of Roe vs Wade and a judge wanting to enforce his law upon the people instead of the constitutional law.

    Morals come from God.  Man never knew a moral until God taught Adam and Eve and then eventually God only found one of the original human race, a man named Noah and his family, who had not polluted their bloodline with sin and evil.

    Yes, every child should be a wanted child.  Every man and woman should not fornicate, but wait until marriage to have s*x so they could protect their children.

    It is not my opinion and it does not matter what I think, but it does matter what God says about it.  God says that life is in the blood, therefore life begins at conception.  God said that He knows us before He formed us in our mother's wombs.  God says "do not shed innocent blood."  Abortion is murder and shedding of innocent blood.

    Abortion has 2 counts that God says do not do.  

    Other people do not have to agree with me on anything, but to go against the Word of God is death and h**l.  And because I know God's word, I am commanded to let you know God's word.

    What a wicked web we weave, when we practice to deceive and disobey God!!!

  6. And "just cause" (to use your words) you are making a huge issue out of this doesn't make you right either.  This forum should be about exchanging ideas and perspectives.  Your "question" is a rant, not a question and in my opinion, carries no weight with respect to this issue.  I dismiss it and you as irrelevant.

  7. no

  8. Thank you for showing YOUR Hypocrisy. Oh well we shouldn't have these laws because SOME want them right? Well SOME want the laws FOR abortion. That is SOME people's views and it is being FORCED on everyone. Good ol' Democracy loses to the Supreme Court in Roe V. Wade. As far as I'm concerned all States should be allowed to decide if they want to legalize abortion or outlaw it. That is what AMERICA is supposed to be about. Not having the Supreme Court legalize something against the wishes of the majority. Now for some fun against your "arguments" Shouldn't every child be wanted? Yes that's why there is ADOPTION. Do you know how many couples would like babies that can't have them? Do you know how many would adopt a baby if women didn't get rid of them, through abortion and dumpster babies? Also abortion isn't the only way people get rid of "unwanted" babies, as I said dumpster babies, which is any baby killed as soon as it is born because the woman couldn't or wouldn't get an abortion. Also with rape and incest that is a rare exception to abortion that people use as their argument that anyone should be allowed to use it. Heck most incest abortion probably wouldn't happen anyway. That is getting into another story. Nothing would force women to go back to back-alley abortions. All they have to do is keep their legs shut. Also I hope you aren't an anti-smoking crusader. I think people should be allowed to smoke if they so chose. A business should be allowed to let people smoke it they want. Moral crusaders won't tell anti-smoking people to find somewhere else to eat though.  

  9. How can you compare obesity, and unattractiveness to human life? Does that really make sense?

    People like you are so hypocritical. I could make a long, detailed post but some great points have already been made above.

  10. I totally understand that there are instances when the choice to have an abortion is necessary, but a sad choice none the less. But it is a real tragedy when people deny the fact that a fetus can feel pain at a very early stage. The fetus is not anesthetized before it is ripped apart during the abortion or before the saline burns it's fragile lungs or while the doctor is holding it's writhing arms and legs down while he inserts his scissors into the base of it's skull.

    It is against the law in America to slaughter an animal with out taking the proper precautions to render it painless, yet it is perfectly okay to do so to a developing human being?? If abortions are to be performed after the first trimester it should be mandatory that the fetus be anesthetized first. The woman is afforded an anesthetic, why not provide pain killers for the one who is really going to need them?

    Abortion does not prevent child abuse, in fact most people who have abortions do so as their act of mercy to the potential child that they don't feel that they are ready to take care of. Most abused children were wanted at some point in time. An evil adult is who is responsible for child abuse not a child, no matter how "unwanted" they may have been at the time.

    I don't know of any US Soldier who would knowingly kill a child. If and when the death of a child does happen you can bet it was not done with the specific intent to kill a CHILD. Those horribly unfortunate cases are accidental but still terrible.

    There are many instances when children have been aborted at near term and are perfectly capable of living, but they are left in a cold steel pan to agonizingly gasp for air until "nature"(which was artificially rushed along by the doctor) to take it's course.

    An abortion is not an act of God, a miscarriage is.  Whether you subscribe to religion or not mechanical abortions are not natural, so to say that once an abortion has been perfomed, that the said fetus is being left to nature is FALSE.

    A child can not live on it's own until it is atleast old enough to fend for it self. So should we be able to bludgeon toddlers to death? They technically can't survive on their own??

    I know many Christians who are out feedingthe poor and helping the blind. And that is why they want to help what they feel to be vulnerable and innocent children. When a woman has an abortion she doesn't need to be "forgiven" she needs emotional support. No one should attack a woman for doing what she felt was her only option, but we don't have to agree with it either.

    I believe that Christians and Secular people alike lack a basic understanding of what amazing things fetuses are capable of doing and feeling at a very early stages. I think that if they were educated, they would think twice before they take a final stance on the abortion issue.

    If you think that people should stand back and let God do his job then why do we need abortions in the first place. If left to nature/God what do you think will most likely happen to that pregnancy?

    Furthermore...if everything were left to nature then we should expect to let all cancer patients die without treatment, because that is God/nature taking it's course. Heck for that matter we don't need hospitals or anything to promote better health.. we should leave that up to nature/god by your standards.

  11. ... Abortion was forced upon Christians ...

    Please cite ONE example where a Christian was FORCED to have an abortion against their will?

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