
Why do you use Yahoo?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I learn to use yahoo when I first had dialup years ago and there wasn't that many search engines. Don't get me wrong I do use different sources all the time other than yahoo.

  2. in order to  get some vital information (such as that one, below the question.).

  3. To make google jealous

  4. duh

  5. so i can get help for things and help others

  6. its first thing I learned how to use...cause it was really popular ...then.....and beside...their game area is cool...and yahoo answers is I have to use it....

  7. to search for things when im bored!!!!!.......u?...

  8. I use it to communicate with the other , my frens , relatives , known ppl and unknown ppl whom i want to know  who shares my interests,

    In a nutshell i use it to communicate with the world over.

    For me Yahoo is  like ' Nokia ' " Connecting People ".

    Cheers !!

    Irshad Ahmed.

  9. cos u can send messages to your friend and ask question from people and find out what people like or not
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