
Why do you use a sauna?

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What is the benefit of a sauna? Also, how long should I stay in? Do you go in intervals?

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  1. People use saunas for various reasons, there mostly for people who want to loose weight. In the sauna you sweat, while your sweating your loosing weight. you go in a sauna for how ever long you want. i normally stay in until i need something really cold or drink or until i start feeling light headed.

  2. I use a sauna purely for relaxation purposes. It doesn't really matter how long you stay in for but id say for a minium of 15mins.

  3. Some cultures including our own have the feeling that you can sweat out toxins by sitting in a sauna and sweating.  There's a sort of craziness in that that makes sense but in all reality you get rid of more toxins by urinating one good time.  Some people swear by it and you won't be able to tell them any different.  

    On the other hand, some folks like to get in there and sweat off the fat..which is bubcus, too, because you're only sweating out water weight.  Real fat loss takes proper diet and frequent exercise.

  4. i makes you sweat and you cleans your pores and helps loose weight  all saunas have a sign telling how long you should stay in

  5. it helps remove toxins in you body

  6. A sauna calms you down and relaxes you. In a sauna you shouldn't stay to long cause its not to good for you if you do

  7. it relaxes u and makes u feel good and i would stay in a sauna for 12 min but thats me

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