
Why do you use yahoo answer??

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Please tell me what you benefit from using this online tool

Also... what you lost by using this useful online tool.




  1. I'd just like to say that I've gained

    And that the world wide web is used by people all over the globe, not just AMERICANS! That goes to an above poster. Yes, there is land beyond your borders!

  2. I get as much as I give.

    Pick up some interesting insights & points of view.

    Do'nt mind sharing what I know if it will help someone.

    No real loss to me.

    I know how to log off if the BS gets too deep.

  3. Ive gained positive feedback from the millions of americans who have experienced some of the things people are asking questions about. Its good to hear what others have to say for a change. I havent lost anything! Its a great tool to hear from people all around the world with one simple click! AMAZING!

  4. I use it to gain knowledge,inter act with others and earn some valuable points.

  5. gained the ideal that things you have to say are actually reviewed, considered, and maybe even used by others.

    Lost the ability to be as picky as I was....Some people fling bullshit like artists, and alot of times it sounds reasonable.

    Sometimes I have to step away.

  6. For me yahoo answer saves me time and energy, when I am in a pinch and need an answer immediately I turn to yahoo answer.  Even if I do not find the direct answer I am looking for I get either that aha! moment where I realize I need to rethink my question or I know exactly what I need to do in order to get to the desired answer. On yahoo answer you can find answers to questions you had  given up on ever finding an answer for.  Most often the answer I need is in the answer to a   question already asked.

    With yahoo answer I can pick the minds of the world. Yahoo answer is one big think tank.

  7. I like yahoo answers because its like having a actual person telling how, what, whom when and why certain things occur.

    I personally use it because I study at uni and like many students out there whether in high school or other tertiary institutions,  there is that comon problem where some of the  text books, or material (like wikipedia) we are given to study do not elaborate on certain things or is not clear cut.

    Thus we turn to yahoo answers to get a definiton of something that is understood in everyday language by everyday people.

    It also increases other peoples knowledge by learning off other peoples answers to questions and certain questions that we may not think of.

    Its a one stop shop answer for your specific question.

    The only thing Ive lost is spending too much time on Yahoo. You sort of have that addictive Syndrome affect cause by face book or myspace/bebo. You just cant help it but to discover more! (and to increase your points)

  8. I get so many different points of view from people all over the world.

    It's also a time passer. I like to see just how crazy it gets on here, and it can get there. It unites our minds, feelings, and our lives.

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