
Why do you want experation dates on your food but not on your car tires?

by  |  earlier

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for corporate take of the human being, lack of caring for the human, infavor of corporate profits, safety is not their intent




  1. Because food goes bad and because tires take FOREVER to rot wear.

    I would be ticked if there was a experation date on tires because that would seem more like companies are trying to push you to buy them every so often so they make sure they are making money.

    And if really wouldn't matter if there was an expiration date because it's not like you can get a ticket. That would be lame.

    It's not the corporation who has to make sure your 'safe' because of tire ageing. Take responsibility and check your tire wear yourself!

    What about expiration dates on cars? So poor people shouldn't be allowed to drive around their junk?

    Maybe you need an expiration date.... and I would think it's past due for disposal!

  2. do you eat your tires there is no good use for this

  3. It is known how long food will be safe to eat. Howevery in most cause you have one or two mort week before it goes bad.

    Tire are rated for how many miles they can cover. Howevery, it depent how a driver drive his or her vehicle. Some will wear out beford others will. If the proper air is not kept in the tire. To low air pressure the tires will out on the inside and outside edges. To much air they will wear out in the middle. If the vehicle is not properly alinged the tire will wear out. Spinging the tires they will wear out. Not rotating the tire will couse then to wear out. Add of these facts cause tire wear out faster. There is not way to put an expertion date on tire.

  4. cause eating old food can cause really bad health problems, but car tires should be changed every so often anyways, it's common sense.

  5. They do have what is called a production date and it is up to the owner of the vehicle to read and understand this, it is just like an expiration date.......see below..................

    The production code on all tires are not equal but you will see a special code in an ellipse shape on at least 80% of all tires on the market, and that will help you find tire date of manufacture.

    The "last 4 digits" on the ellipse tells us tire manufacture date. The first 2 digits is "PRODUCTION WEEK" and the last 2 digits is the "YEAR". Assuming there are 4 weeks in a month, we can say that this tire was manufactured by the end of March 2003 (12=12th week of the year, 03=Year 2003).

    5000 means 50th week of year 2000, which means December 2000

  6. Even more important to me than expiration dates on tires would be people asking questions who could either spell or figure out how to use a dictionary!

    And by the way,  the date of manufacture is on the tire already.

  7. Food is parishable ... tires are not.Tires ware out at a rate depended upon usage. Food decomposition on the other hand, is far more rapid and specific.

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