
Why do you watch Nascar?

by Guest57853  |  earlier

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i just found a question in p&s dogging Nascar and its fans...

lets set this guy straight;_ylt=ApvZZ3inf2KDMJ94pT6KBB_OxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080525214244AAoVVhc




  1. cause it is the best sport ever

  2. i'm still trying to figure out if it's a sport or not. I can never see the ball

  3. i saw that guy last night and he was not being very nice

    and i believe you stole my name...

    best answer says you can keep it as long as you dont take my avatar

  4. Cuz there's nothing else on tv!   LOL!!!  J/K...

    I've loved NASCAR ever since the days of The King.  It's in my BLOOD, it's in my DNA.


  5. fluffy shut up! lets see you strap into a car at 200mph at 100+ degrees

  6. my head tilts to the left.

  7. I love Nascar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont miss a race.  That guy is a ****'n r****d!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I started out watching NASCAR with my dad full time when I was about sixteen even though I'd been following it for ten years prior. Bill Elliott won the first two races I watched all of and I've been hooked ever since even though Bill has since gone to part-time racing. I watch NASCAR nowadays to see forty-three guys duke it out for hundreds of miles to see who's car is fastest. NASCAR rules!!!

  9. because i like it and i don't give a $h!t about what anybody else thinks about me liking it.

    geez, folks, that's not what he looks like. his avatar is a picture of dwight shrute - actually of the actor who plays dwight shrute - the moon-faced guy on "the office."

  10. Grew up around this trac in Hampton, Ga.  and feel the need for speed !!!

  11. I love to watch it, just to see Jr walk away............

    he is great........

    and the races aren't  too shabby either, ha ha

    Nascar is a true sport and keeps your heart a pounding from start to finish......go JR #88

  12. look at him, his avitar says it all.

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