
Why do you watch and read the news when it's all negative, exaggerated and a waste of time?

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If there were positives about wall street and the real estate market coming out of the mouths of reporters, don't you think our society would benefit in a positive way in all areas of our lives?




  1. It is only by reading the newspaper or watching the TV news that you will learn what is going on around you. Even if it is exagerated, it will at least keep you informed.  But , I guess, walking around and knowing nothing suits some people.

  2. Sometimes reality is negative. I'd hardly call that exaggerated and a waste of time. The housing market sucks right now – the media is doing its job pointing that out. There's no point in trying to pretend it's all flowers and bunnies, dude.

  3. Oh yes, I won't watch the news at all. It is really just a big joke if you study it- no more than an entertainment product.

    All they really do is take a headline and find a way to say the same thing but with more words and pictures from their archives. No real info is given.

    Compare it to food:

    TV news/newspapers = Mcdonalds burger/fries

    Real study & research on a subject = healthy balanced food.

    Stay away from television in general- it is poison!

  4. Sure.

    It's a waste of time.

    Then how did the monkey get caught by the tail?

    With the tail caught in between the door.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  5. I like to know whats going on around me good or bad.

  6. Keep your friends close ... and your enemies closer.  

    The news tells you what everyone is up to.  You can often tell just by what you DON'T hear.  When Bush speaks you can hear the mumbling between the lines and he tells EVERYTHING of what he is about to do.  The news told about the anthrax in the envelopes just BEFORE it was discovered.  9/11 was obvious as soon as the owner of the Twin Towers quadrupled his insurance coverage for terrorists.  Shortly AFTER the TWin Towers Bush made an announcement on TV about the Shadow Govt.  You HAVE To watch the news just to know what they are doing.  And they HIDE the truth from us here but if you KNOW what you're looking for they speak VOLUMES of truth.  It's just deceptive so you have to unravel it a bit.

    The world is full of a lot of bad people.  Everyone wants to prosper.  Some of them don't care HOW it's done.


    Peace, Love and Light

  7. I think the news give an unrealistic idea of life: that everything is horrible and chaotic. I think there should be a balance of positive and negative news.

    I watch/read the news, even though it's all negative, because I don't think it's a waste of time. I like to be aware of what goes in my community, city, country, and world. I think it's important for people to be aware of other people's struggles and the things that go on around them instead of just being self-involved and only caring about what happens in our lives, like most people unfortunately are.

    That's just my thinking, though.

    Interesting question :)

  8. your negative exaduration is a waste of time to everyone

  9. Mostly I watch it so I can get the weather report,other than

    that I guess I take enjoyment in the fact about what and how they

    are lying about this time.Which politician is blabbing out their

    behind.... .Then I get sad about all the people getting their

    heads blown off in greedy conflicts......

    Then I turn it off and listen to some of my records or play guitar and try to have a good night.

    Y'all do the same!Laters.

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