
Why do young babys ages 3-4 throw up on purpose when they are upset ?

by  |  earlier

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My little one when she was upset she would cry and make herslef throw up and it drove me crazy the way she stopped was that i left her all full of throw up and she didn't do it again .. so i realized she was doing this on purpose .. question Why ?? and how do they know to do this ?? at there age ?




  1. it is not that they do it on purpose thing is that when all the screaming crying that they are doing it is too much for their little bodies it is one way of telling them to calm down once they see that they threw up some will stop cuz no on likes to be dirty with throw up on them and the smell is not that great just remind them to breath they will get over it soon  

  2. I am not sure why. But i think if its an accident its probably something your feeding her. You should take her to a doctor and see if she is allergic to any foods.

  3. I don't know of any babies that have done that.

  4. she wants attention from you

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