
Why do young children like coffee so much?

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If my 18 month old son sees me holding a mug he immediatelly runs after me screaming "foffee" foffee"




  1. I think it's really the same reason they like cell phones and remotes so much.  It keeps adult attention and they crave that!  I think it's cute!

  2. I think it's because they're constantly told that it's a "grown up drink", which of course makes them want it more.  Most kids seem to idolize their parents to an extent, so of course they want to do everything you do, eat what you eat, and drink what you drink.  Of course, if you put a lot of sugar in your coffee, he may just like the sweetness!  

  3. I think because kids want so to be like your so much and they equate coffee with being an adult.  Its just one of the things they do, imitation!  

  4. There are several reasons. It is tasty, rich and warm, and of course it soothes their throats and enhances the experience of smoking cigarettes, which they also love!

    Well, it did for me, anyway.

  5. i've been drinking coffee for six years (since i was 11) and it's because i would drink from my dad's cup in the morning, and soon i just made my own cup every morning.

  6. I was raised drinking it!  No, really - my grandfather would give us coffee-milk!  Maybe two tablespoons of coffee in our milk with a little sugar in it...we felt just like the adults.  My kids also love this!

  7. i think it's because they want to be just like you.  and since you love it so much, so do they.  or it could just be because it's so damned good.

  8. How does he know he likes it?  Have you given him some?  He probably just wants what you have..I doubt it's the coffee he wants.

  9. because it gets them hyper

  10. I don't know but my daughter always tries to steal mine and she is 2!

  11. haha I think its how he likes to bond with you, that is soo cute, stick with decaffenated for your sanity's sake though lol

  12. my 3 kids hate coffee, they are all tea drinkers even the 4 year old..

    they must get it from me

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