
Why do young drivers drive so fast and ignorant?

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Why do young drivers drive so fast and ignorant?




  1. because of not being experienced behind the wheel...

  2. I think many times, children are spoiled when it comes to driving. I didn't even get me license until I was 18 and I bought my car myself and it meant more to me because I did all the work for the money to buy my car. Kids get brand new cars at the age of 16 and are completely clueless to what being responsible can entail. "Mom and dad will buy a new one" is their thought process.

    Not all young drivers are like this....

  3. well you answered your own question, their ignorance means that they do not know better.

  4. Not every young driver is like this

  5. WELL, when I was young and immature, I drove fast and aggressively.

    NOW, I'm a little older and wiser and have figured out that that type driving is a waste.

    So the key word here is IMMATURE.

  6. excited?

  7. They don't all drive like that...

    that is stereotyping... and you shouldn't do that...

    Other than that... they think it is cool... They will realize not so much after that...

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