
Why do young people seem to be losing the skills of self sufficiency?

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cook your own food.

minor repairs to clothing.

grow your own food.

build anything.

It seems that American culture is creating permanent children to hand feed.




  1. It's not just the culture,it's us as a community. It starts very young, when we teach children not to sew, but to get a new shirt when there's a rip in the sleeve, or no-loss games where natural competition is lost. Then we continue through adolescence when we don't encourage them to go to college, or go to work(go being the keyword here). I knew one or two twenty-somethings that were still getting allowance! I think in order to turn the tide that we really need to show some tough love.

  2. because they are being taught useless c**p in school that in 2 years I've already forgot.

  3. I just want to say you're right. I'm 15 and can't even make decent toast.

  4. Good question! My knee-jerk reaction is that young people today are simply spoiled and lazy. But, if I really think about it, it's the parents who don't take (or don't have) the time and energy to teach their youngsters self-sufficiency skills. When mom and dad get home from work, it's easier to just quickly get dinner on the table yourself than it is to get your child involved in the meal-preperation process. The same thing happens on the weekends - everyone is busy catching up on housework, errands, soccer practice, shopping, etc., that life just becomes a blur. Parents need to slow down and take time to teach their kids some of these life skills.

  5. Because the system or the society provides almost everything that what we need. The other day, I bought cut pepper at a grocery store.  Imagine how easy it is to cut pepper but there is demand for it. that is why we are an organic society so interdependent.

  6. Today a lot of people young and old; are greedy.  We have to have everything done for us, and quickly.  Plus we have more things today that suits what we want.  There are younger people who cook and prepare food for themselves, because they care about their diets.  Not all people rely on fast-food, because they want to keep a good-looking and in-shape body.   A lot of TV dinners are loaded with ****, that will cause people to be overweight.  For the people who will eat off TV dinners daily; are people who are just lazy.  Instead of sewing clothes we just buy new clothes because we are too lazy to sew them if they rip.  Pluse you'll never see a dude sew.  It just ain't a dude thing.

  7. i think that is because of the demands of our society.  as we progress with computers and constantly compete to maintain out economic power, we are forced to be innovative to new ways of living.  for the most part, it has damaged our society.  divorce rate is high, children are out of control, crime is horrible, etc.  the Amish people in Pennsylvania are 100% self sufficient.  and they do not have to deal with the dysfunctions of the typical American way of life.

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