
Why do your eyes hurt after looking at a computer?

by  |  earlier

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if you look at a computer for a long time, then close your eyes they kind of burn. There is no point to this question. i was just curious :]!! thanks!!




  1. dun stay on the computer for too long..the radiation can seriously damage ur eyes

  2. You are not blinking normally when you stare at a computer screen, so your sclera (whites of your eyes) dry out faster.  That's at least part of the burning sensation.  Eyestrain also occurs because forcing your eyes to focus close-in.

  3. My eyes usually hurt more when im on the computer in the dark. it might have something to do with the fact that your staring at a bright object for a long period of time. try either turning down the brightness on your computer or mabey having more lights on while your on the computer.


  4. mine dont...then again im on the comp for 5-6 hrs a day

  5. Your eyes focus on the computer and they hurt more. Its recommended that about every 20 minutes you look away from your computer to refocus. Also if you go to a chiropractor they can tell you what type of job you have if you tend to work at a computer due to the way your back is shaped while squinting at the computer.

  6. yeah mine do.

    I dont have great eyes anyway.

    But they burn a little for a sec and then they are fine.

    But they get tired a lot when I am at the computer.

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