
Why do your eyes hurt when you wake up and turn on the light for the first time today in the morning?

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Why do your eyes hurt when you wake up and turn on the light for the first time today in the morning?




  1. because they're not used to the light

    they get used to the darkness when you're sleeping

  2. because throughout the night, the muscles in your eyes were relaxed due to the darkness. when you wake up, your muscles suddenly contract so that less light can enter your eye. it contracts in order to prevent damaging the retina because bright light can damage it. the sudden contraction may cause your eye to hurt slightly, but after that it gets used to it.

  3. Because your pupils have been big for so long, (youve had your eyes closed so no light, they dialate)

    When you turn the light on, your eye is not expecting it and for a moment lets in too much light, then the pupil shrinks to the desired size.  

  4. some one farted on your face

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