
Why do your fee hurt more when you walk outside barefoot as it's raining, than it does when it isn't raining?

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*feet- sorry there was a typo...




  1. Due to the lack of common sense about not going out in the wet, your feet are trying to give you the message by a different route.

  2. Your feet hurts because you are not accustomed walking bare footed

  3. Hmmm, do your feet also "hurt more" when you are walking around a swimming pool barefoot?

    I wonder if your feet aren't reacting to cold weather, rather than the rain. Some people who are not used to walking outdoors barefoot do get a "tingly" or painful sensation when it is very cold outside.

    Might that be what you are wondering about?

  4. I've been barefoot for eleven years, summer or winter, rain or shine, and my feet feel fine no matter what the weather! But I suppose what you are referring to is that the water softens the skin (just like when you take a long shower or are swimming) and if you have tender feet, you'll be more prone to feel anything underfoot. Just keep walking barefoot and your feet will toughen up so they can handle rainy weather as well as dry!

  5. I don't have a problem walking bare foot in the rain or sun (unless the beach sand or pavement has over heated ), unless I step on a pebble or something.....that hurts....I hate when that happens. Never heard of pain in the rain.

  6. mine don''s quite the opposite. It's about 95ish F here and the pavement is scorching hot! When it rains, you actually can walk barefoot for a change!

  7. It could be because the rain softens your skin, so your feet feel more sensitive as you step on pebbles.

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