
Why do yu get hungry after you smoke???

by  |  earlier

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i got a few hits about a half hour ago and i cnt stop eating why am i so hungryyyyyyyyyyyyy




  1. because the juices in your stomach and mouth are stimulated the same as when you are actually hungry, making you think you're hungry.

  2. stop smoking it is bad for you

  3. ppl are used to combining them but its not good for you...I can too....Qitu 31 years ago..

  4. ...i call it the munchies...

    ...four hamburger deluxe, 2 strawberry shakes, one banana cream pie,

    and 4 apple turn overs...for starters...then....

  5. My parents are smokers, my grandparents are smokers. My aunts are smokers.

    I have never seen or heard them mention hunger after smoking a cigarette.

    You probably want to associate something with your mouth, so your brain forms the thought of hunger.

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