
Why does 90% of the world hate jews?

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i didnt no anything about jews and how they were i have only heard about jew religous

until one day my teacher was talking about jews in germany and what happend to them

i was really sad for what they have done to them

she showed a percentage of some eurupe countries who have killed jews and i have asked her but i didnt get her




  1. Several historical reasons, including such diverse things as a papal edict not to make money on loans for Christians, so the moneylenders, by default became the Jewish community, and there is no one anyone loves to hate as much as someone we owe money to.

    Then there was the fact that fewer Jews died in plagues, mainly due to the very poor housekeeping practices in Christian homes of the times, and the Jewish religious observance of thorough cleaning a home at least once a year.  It kept the mice and rats down, which kept the plague down in the ghettos that Jews were forced to live in.

    So the Christians though the Jews practiced witchcraft and made the Christians die.  Not logical, but you have to remember the times.

    With Hitler, it was the loss of WW1 which led to great suffering in Germany, needing to blame it on someone, blaming the Jews was convenient.  a habit that was useful in the past and is useful now.

    Of course, there is the overriding idea that since they would not become converts to Christianity they were naturally sinful and did not need to be treated as wholly human.

    Its a long and involved topic, but full of the reasons why humans hate and why they need to dehumanize those they hate.

  2. Everybody seems to need someone to hate. Jewish people are some of the most accepting that the world has to offer. The people who hate Jews are mostly conspiracy theorists who hate authority and believe that Jews secretly rule the world.

  3. It's past your bedtime.

  4. where the f*ck did you get 90% from?

  5. Only a small number of the people in the world hate the Jewish people.

    The people in the world who hate the Jewish people get far too much press coverage.

    The people in the world today who hate the Jewish people are mostly Muslim Terrorists who are connected in one way or another with a shadowy Muslim Terrorist group known as The Muslim Brotherhood.

    Back in the 1930s the Muslim Brotherhood decided that they wanted to kill all of the Jewish people in The Middle East.

    The Muslim Brotherhood formed an alliance with Adolf Hitler and the n***s for the purpose of killing all of the Jewish People in the world.

    After Adolf Hitler and The n***s lost World War II, The Muslim Brotherhood went underground.

    We should have finished off The Muslim Brotherhood during World War II, however after World War II people were so tired of War that nobody wanted to go after The Muslim Brotherhood and The Muslim Brotherhood escaped.

    The Muslim Brotherhood was thought to be to weak and insignificant to be worth going after

    The Muslim Brotherhood went on to assassinate Anwar Sadat who was The President of Egypt.

    The reason that The Muslim Brotherhood assassinated Anwar Sadat was to retaliate aganst Anwar Sadat for signing a peace agreement with Israel.

    The man behind the Assassination of Anwar Sadat was Ayman Zawahiri who was one of the leaders in The Muslim Brotherhood.

    The Muslim Brotherhood went on to start a number of other Muslim Terrorist Organizations including Al Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.

    Ayman Zawahiriri became the number 2 leader of Al Qaida behind Osama Bin Laden and was one of the masterminds behind the hijacking of American Airliners and flying those airliners along with their passengers into the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.

    That was an act of war against The United States of America.

    The Muslim Brotherhood now has a goal of obtaining weapons grade Uranium which they can use to make crude nuclear weapons.

    The Muslim brotherhood plans to smuggle those crude nuclear weapons into a number of nations that they want to desroy, inlcuding, but not limited to Britain, China, France, Germany,  India, Russia, Spain and The United States of America.

    The Muslim Brotherhood has as their goal to create world wide Radical Islam and destroy the non believers who do not submit to Radical Islam.

  6. I think perhaps I look on the Jews like a plague of locust but that's now your teacher was talking about what the n**i,s did to millions of them during ww2 ,one must be able to separate the past from the present what germany <hitler> did to them was completely savage and im sure Hilter is in h**l getting pinapples shoved up his azz <like in the movie little nicky>as of now the Jews are creating many problems with human rights violation and politics I think I might hate the actions of the jews yes thats it   but there does seem to be some demonic repressed views the world has for Israel also israel is a very closed society so they don,t mix well with others . if i have been hard on the Jews its not personal its political.. good day f.p

  7. Because Jews are a minority almost everywhere they go, yet they achieve disproportionate success, wealth and power compared to their size and numbers. Jealousy is a strong emotion and can easily turn into hatred. A lot of people (in current times and in the past) feel threatened by Jews, because they know that they are "successful", "rich" and "powerful". Also, it doesn't help that the 2 largest religions in the world are Christianity and Islam, and both religions have a problem with Jews, despite being born from Judaism. A lot of the antisemitism in the West has diminished, but it still exists in the form of deliberately confusing Zionism with Judaism, to justify antisemitism. And make no mistake, there is irrational, vicious hatred against Jews in the Islamic world. I say "Islamic world" because this antisemitism is increasing rapidly, even in places where Jews were not distrusted or hated before.

  8. Hmmm...dont you think you are greatly exaggerating?

    Where did you get some figure like that from?

  9. I don't know about that 90%, As for me, I do not only like Jews , but also admire them (generally ,there are always some exceptions to the rule)

  10. 90%?  Probably more like 3% at the most, but they are very loud about it.  I think it has something to do with interest rates and banking.

  11. 90% ... really? Of course not ... you exaggerate ....  

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