
Why does Allah say about Christ? “They did not kill or crucify him but it was made to seem so to them.” ?

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What does Allah mean in Quran when He says?

"That they said, we killed the Christ Isa, the son of Mariam, the Apostle of Allah, but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for a surety they killed him not." Quran 4:157

Is Allah saying that the crucifixion of Christ was definitely a Hoax and that all that surrounds this hoax are mere extensions of the same Hoax?

Since Allah does not use the name Jesus anywhere in the Quran does Allah agree that they did actually crucify Jesus but Jesus was not the name of the Christ the son of Mariam?

And why does the Bible give us one cross boldly marked "Jesus King of the Jews" and another marked "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews" when two thieves were crucified?

And why do three of the four Gospels say "Simon" bore a cross if not to have the Bible tell us that Jesus was crucified but Christ was not, just as Allah tells us in Quran when Allah does not use the name of Jesus and the Bible does not use the name of Christ for the inscription on the two crosses?

Is this an agreement between the two accounts that Allah confirms with the Quran?




  1. Seilbi, when Yshua told the Magdalene that he had not gone to the father YET.  Leaving out one little word changes the entire meaning, but I'm sure you knew that.    

  2. 10 Jesus is not the name of Machiah.

    His name in Aramaic (his mother toungue) was YEHSHUA pronounced as EESHAW. the first Y silent. while pronouncing Y it is

    YESHU. and arabic version was MOSHE as musa,

    The gospels in english saying Jesus is wrong.thee is no J in his came from latinised greek version.

    so allah not mentioned his name in Quran is WRONG. his name mentioned several time.

    The word Christ is from Masih also not a name. that means doing massage.

    If you read the present 4 gospels and many other old gospels which is not recognised by churches, You will find out During the last moments all forsook Him.

    Thunder earth quake sudden darkness etc happened there and they dont know what happened.

    Further Jesus after this events told mary magdalane and others he did not Go to father ( he did not die)

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