
Why does AmTrak have a bad reputation?

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and why AmTrak always lose money? Do you think the big rail companies like UP, BNSF etc.. will ever offer passenger service again?




  1. Derailments and it cost to much to take a trip.  Even with high air prices, it's till cheaper to fly.  Those afraid to fly then pay WAY too much for the train.

  2. the trains have a long history of accidents  (derailment), poor maintenance and bankruptcy.

    they lose money because of government controlled waste.  but other train companies that were privately run also lose money too.

    dunno, oil prices would have to go up and mass transit would need to be held as more important than it is now.  

    that and air travel would need to be prohibitively expensive.

  3. Amtrak is design  not to make a profit

    Amtrak also does not own the railroads they travel on -(the freight

    railroads own the tracks and their dispatchers give priority

    to their own railroad before letting Amtrak  (although its

    *Amtrak *is* suppose to giving priority but thats only when its

    on time.. and some times the amtrak's train are delayed..

    due to other freight traffic or incidents.


  4. Except for the commute corridors, Amtrak was, is and forever shall be a mismanaged outfit.  Except for the commute corridors, it should be euthanized.

    No, you will never see another passenger train on any major carrier's right of way.  Passenger trains have been losing money well over fifty years.  Only the Federals will keep flogging a dead horse with hundreds of millions of dollars.

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