
Why does America continue to go above and beyond to cater to immigrants?

by Guest61314  |  earlier

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Everywhere you turn, everytime you call a customer service number, everytime you go into a c-store, and go to eat and many "American" food chains are now foreign owned. We give them all the red carpet treatment (no taxes) and yet, we are treated like garbage and price gouged. Become frustrated w/ the customer service rep @ Bank of AMERICA because you can't understand 95% of what they ask as a security question, and you get disconnected. Why can't America grow some balls and start making it as hard to get a Business Liscence as an Immigrant, as it is for me (a U.S Born and Raised) to get a simple building permit. One day, sooner than later, Americans will be the minority in our own country. I'm not a hater I just want equal rights, in my own country.




  1. The blame has to go to some of our policies.  Employers can't afford to pay laborers. Americans don't want to work for crappy pay.   The government lets them move operations out overseas.  Try calling the cable co., I've yet to get someone who can speak English, they have no idea what I'm talking about.  Or, companies like Levi's that move to Mexico to get cheap labor. They come here to work, levi's goes there to get cheap workers.  It's absolutely stupid.  I doubt we are going to see any changes.  We've become the minority.

  2. Immigrant workers form the backbone of the US labor force. They are doing the task American workers have rejected, such as cooking and cleaning. We need to give these wonderful people all the rights and privileges of a citizen as soon as we can.

  3. Mustagame is wrong. They are taking all kinds of jobs. Who says they only do the jobs Americans don't want to do? You would think our government would want to do at least a little bit about it but secret laws are being passed that give illegals more and more rights.

  4. Immigrant workers form the backbone of the US labor force and he would allow an illegal to preform open heart surgery on him or an illegal to represent him in a court of law.Why not have these backbone of America go to Iraq and send our men and women home. Americans are getting fed up.Press one or two or 3 or 4 when does it end?Why do illegals get special breaks ? Why did the illegal in SF get so many breaks he responded by murdering 3 people and still supporters of illegals defend him and put America on trail. Supporters of illegals refuse to believe illegals break any laws and it's everyone else's fault. Triple murder in NJ by illegal but supporters blame America again allowing the illegal to get away with murder.

  5. The problem isn't with the immigrants its with government policy.  They don't allow them to come legally but don't prevent them from coming illegally.  Then, when they get here they can work for cheaper wages because they don't file taxes.  If we can't keep them out, we need to let them come legally but have a way to track them and make them pay taxes like everyone else.  They are fulfilling a need.  Most of them are hard, dependable, trustworthy workers.  My husband has two hispanics who've worked for him for the last 4 years and there were three more that he recently laid off due to slow down in work and they all work 6 days a week and would work sun up to sun down if there were enough work to do.  The americans he's hired have either quit or he's had to fire them.  One called in sick on his second day of work and then didn't call at all the next 2 days, when we called to say we needed to get the tools back he had borrowed, he said he was planning on coming to work the next day.  Another guy called in that he couldn't come to work that day because he didn't have any clean clothes to wear.  Another was fired for sleeping on the job, and another was fired for abusing the company work vehicles by filling up with gas on the company account then using it for personal use, etc., etc.  The ones who will really be hurt are our lazy American children if the children of these immigrants grow up to have their parents work ethic with our American education!

  6. Most of the customer service reps you talk to are in India, not in the US. The US businesses continue to outsource for bigger profits, and that's the worst they can do. The rich get richer, and instead of helping people in America, they send money to other countries. That's the same story with US farms. The new immigration laws have caused a lot of them to lose millions because they are now short of workers, and thier crops are rotting, and that will also raise the prices. The immigration laws are backfiring, and now the farms are moving to Mexico were the labor force is without immigration issues.......more jobs lost in America and people in other countries do not pay taxes. If the illegal immigrants stayed in the US, there will still be taxes paid and money being pumped into the economy.

    U.S. farmers short on migrant workers move to Mexico

    MEXICALI, Mexico (Reuters) - Like other California vegetable growers, Larry Cox oversees hundreds of Mexican farm workers picking green onions, asparagus and cauliflower in the fertile Colorado River valley.

    But this farm is not in California, where illegal immigration raids are causing labor shortages and strict environmental regulations are increasing costs.

    U.S. farmers go where workers are: Mexico

    A sense of crisis prevails among American farmers who rely on immigrant laborers, more so since legislation in the U.S. Senate failed in June and the authorities announced a crackdown on employers of illegal immigrants. According to growers and lawmakers in the United States and Mexico, an increasing number of farmers have been testing the alternative of raising crops across the border, where many of the workers are.

  7. I agree, we will be a minority in our own country some day, and then it won't even be a country anymore.  Because if anyone can live here then there is no such thing as an American citizen.  Big business has been trying to get rid of the middle class from the beginning and now they have found a way.  They're not going to give this golden goose up.  They run this country, not the politicians, not the people.

  8. It is corporate greed. for bank of mexico. I've stop dealing with those clowns about 8 years. I didn't like the customer service when the took over my bank. Most of the customer service jobs aren't here in the states. I know people that travel to India and Philippines to train them how to do our jobs, the pay over there is pennies to our pay. just stop doing business with these clowns. Most restaurants where i used to go to have illegals or now a day called undocumented immigrant. i stopped going to them. if people took this mentality corporations will wake up. If you know or suspect it is run in another country stop doing business. I know this is hard to do at first but you have to adjust. I refuse to go in some places that implement these practices. Its hard i was loyal to their products but I had to just change my ways. The way to stop catering to the illegals, goverment either local, state, or federal implement e-verify on every employer. deney services to the illegals.

    Get rid of the anchor baby mentaly, they aren't automatic citizens the person has to reach age of 21 and sponsor them to enter. Stop giving in state tuition to the illegals, stop giving driver licences to the illegals, stop giving loans and banking services to the illegals by opening accounts with the consular card. Consulare  card is not even accepted in mexico, this is a made up card to give an illegal an idenity here and to give banking services. This was pressured by the banking commision they are to blame.

    Most of the men 18 - 26 are not registered under slective services. Punishment 5 yrs or $250,000.  Report the immigrants who break the law. if you suspect too many people in house report them to housing code people. Don't take a blind eye to this. It is our country let enforce our laws.

  9. Hey, bubbles, good that you explained that you are not a hater, because otherwise anyone would think that you are, according to your words.

    About bank of America I had that same experience, but it was no due to the language, it was because the bank is a pile of manure.

    Regarding the last part , that is how Native American felt when the Europeans arrived here. Now you are getting a taste of your own medicine. Enjoy !

  10. It's basically 'Free market' economy that America worked very hard to be accepted worldwide, that's how US companies opened branches all over the world.  

    Now it's coming back to haunt US.

    Immigrant keep on coming and getting a read carpet rolled out to them because of only one reason, they work at really low wages.

    Every other reason is a hog-wash, they are not the smartest, they are not doing jobs that Americans don't want.

    Low wages are good for the companies, and that's why they want them here.

    These companies control the government with big lobbies and huge contribution to the election funds of both parties.

    And because of this no one will ever oppose immigrants (even illegals ).

    It's free market economy the reason of Riches of America (Govt) and the misery of Americans (you).

  11. dude im a legal immigrant that had to wait 6 harsh years to get legalized and now you want it to be harder to get a job just because we had the bad luck of being born in country ruined by corrupt b******s, how about you grow some own balls

  12. I didn't say, make it harder for them to GET jobs ,Johnny Doe, I said to get business LISCENCES, OWN FRANCHISES, and outsource. I said.. make them Learn English and treat the people of this country, that provide them with oppurtunity, with a little Respect.  SO, before you start making comments like "grow some balls..." maybe you should learn to was plain  English.

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