
Why does America give so much money to Africa?

by Guest33313  |  earlier

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If those people would just stop having kids maybe they would have more food for themselves.

Whenever people ask me for money to send to Africa, I say I'll go buy some condoms or birth control for them because thats their problem.

They have like 7-12 kids each and wonder why they are starving.

We need to start sending them food with sterilizers in them so they can't have kids.

That would really help them out.

All of sub-saharan Africa should do this.

And they need to stop trying to flood into Europe and take care of their own land.

there is no excuse for this.

a lot of africa has forest, you come to tell me you cant grow food in such food growing areas?

The Arabs are doing pretty well and they literally live in the middle of a desert.

Why aren't the Africans doing this?

Oh yeah, thats right, i know why, they have way too many babies.




  1. Because the powerful tyrants in Africa keep their people that way to get the aid.  That's an industry in Africa and some Middle East countries.  The American government falls for it.

  2. I suggest you take a world history class and get a book on Africa. You can start in the juvenile section if you like.

  3. Because we are the most successful, prosperous, and generous nation on earth.

  4. Americans are generous, that is the reason that they send money!

  5. Because we're a bunch of guilt-ridden, rich white folk who are trying to buy our forgiveness for the sin of slavery.

    Well?  Where have I said anything that wasn't true?

    Have a right-wing day.

  6. Because we give a tiny amount to keep the current regimes in power they in turn keep sending their resources to us for darn near nothing. You see the only ones that get screwed are the African people here.

    Now, I believe you meant to say "Why does the United States..." NOT "Why does America..." you see America is a continent, the US is only one of the 37 nations in that continent.  

  7. white guilt  and pressure from Churches

  8. WHAT Amerikkka are you talking about???

    Mormons and Mexicans have 7-12 kids, as did the Irish...and those Arabs you seem to love so much have billions of barrels of OIL, Black Gold.

  9. I really don't know what a bunch of third world countries that don't even know their population could help us. I agree with what you said. Rather than helping the poor American people, we're donating millions of dollars to people who live for 20 years and die from AIDS or starvation.

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