
Why does America love football more than rugby?

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ok here is some more thought rugby players run for around 80 minutes constantly so i would so rugby players are more fit oh i hate football and rugby was a national sport in the early years and to you who said that they stick there fingers up the players asses i really think you should seek professional help you must like having it up the *** to even think about that you dipshit




  1. I am American, and I love rugby.  It is impossible to watch rugby in the US.  It is not on our sports networks at all.  World Cup scores were not even reported on the sports stations when the US team was playing.  You have to pay $20 to watch the game at a bar (more than a local, live game) during the World Cup because the satellite provider makes the bar charge.  It is a large hurdle for rugby in the US.

  2. Because rugby's too complicated for the average american to understand the rules. Also americans are too unfit to play rugby for 80mins. Football is less physical and demands less from players who may play for 3hrs in total but only really spend a couple of minutes in constant motion unlike 40mins per half of real physical hard play.

  3. Theier football team and their Rugby team have made the World Cups

    Football is impriving there, but marginally each year.  Beating Portugal was their best victory

  4. A big reason nobody has yet touched on is that it suffers from the same shortcomings of soccer.  Since the action is nonstop, television broadcasts would not be able to have any commercial breaks during a live broadcast.  Unlike sports teams in other countries, American sports teams (excluding NASCAR) are unwilling to turn their uniforms and stadiums into billboards.  With no revenue source, there would be no way rugby, like soccer, could survive as a televised sport in the U.S.

    Another big factor to overcome is the unfamiliarity with the game.  Even though the numbers of ruggers in the U.S. is growing, the majority of Americans know nothing about the game.  Add to that the fact that it takes a little while to learn all the rules and intricacies of the game, and it would be impossible for the average American to just tune in and enjoy a match.

    Both of these reasons have to do with the (perceived) short attention span of the American public.

  5. As a "Yank" I feel it is because we did not invent the sport, or make it into a very popular sport. If you notice, the "big four" (Baseball, Hockey, Football, Basketball) were invented in North America. Also, there is no coverage for rugby over here. I think people respect the toughness of the players, you will always hear that in America. Even though I am a fan of rugby and enjoy the game, I can only tell you one Eagle but I could tell you a lot more All Blacks. I do not think it has anything to do with the violence of the sport. As long as Americans have a sport that they consider "European" that is not associated with any sort of aristocracy, (Golf) then it will never do will over here.

  6. coz they are stupid! rugby rocks!!

  7. Because USA-RUGBY are Neanderthals who refuse to market the game on television.  Americans will buy anything.  It just has to be sold right.  Need proof?  Jimmy Carter was elected president remember.

  8. No way Dipshit. Rugby's Not An AMERICAN Sport. Thats Why It Has No Support. Football And Baseball Are True American Sports, Forget About Global Sports.

  9. Because Football players  don't want to be sexually assaulted on every play as is what happens in Rugby. Guys sticking fingers up people's butts yeah that's just not a fun thing to watch. The football players are in better shape then rugby players, if one of them hit a rugby player like they do they'd be on the ground and probably would never get up or walk again. Let's see rugby isn't very exciting either, talk about a snooze fest, watching grass grow is way more exciting the rugby.

  10. Alright, for all the "winners" out here saying how much football is better than rugby, GET A CLUE and watch an actual game. It takes SO much more strength, skill, teamwork and courage. Football (I'm not saying the people that play pro are not amazing athletes, they are, but they should play rugby) has full padding! BIG helmets and EVERYTHING....Let me tell you, ruggers hit JUST has hard if not harder than those that are fully padded, and we get up and keep running instead of crying about it....and so to answer the question instead of arguing why rugby is awesome (there isnt actually an argument there, I'm stating facts), I think American football has just ALWAYS been popular and the rules are relatively self explanatory so anyone can watch and get it, while rugby sometimes takes a little depth and understanding to get it, even though it is enjoyable to watch no matter how much you know or don't know. Change is hard and people are stubborn, I wouldn't expect to see rugby taking the place of football any time soon, unfortunately.

  11. ok I live in the states, and play rugby over football after playing football for 6 years.  Football teaches you to play with RECKLESS abandon.  Which is not good to be honest even though you wear pads some of those hits are brutal and really hurt.  After playing rugby for 2 years I see these differences.  Rugby players play smarter they aren't out there to demolish the person that has the ball even though it sometimes happens, they would rather tackle and get up and gain possession of the ball.  Of course  there is also the classic reason football has been here longer in the States.

  12. Probably not the best question to pose during playoffs.

    Go Colts!

  13. Because we like violent sports.

  14. Because they're idiots. Rugby rules.

    And to the person who says its boring to watch, at least in rugby the ball stays in play for longer than 30 seconds!!

  15. Listen to Blubber Nugget.

    He's onto it, who cares about global sport?

    Nationalism all the way, never did n**i Germany any harm.

    Or maybe I have my head way too far up my own ***?

    Oh well, time to buy some fried food, clean my handguns, surf some p**n, deal some drugs, burn some fossil fuels and hope that America foreign policy doesn't waver from bombing the bejesus out people when ever we want to.

    h**l yeah ! wha hoooo! yippie yai yay

    Dangerous naive, young country, with too many weapons of mass destruction. Get your fat, greasy, obese asses out of the Persian Gulf and start looking after your own screwed up country before killing those from others.

    You will never be accepted as a rugby nation - and you know it. Disgusting country.

    Stop the hate, forget the greed, share the love.

  16. I am a New Zealander and have never heard of people sticking fingers up players butts. Maybe your talking about league and the hopawaty incident? In any case thats a totally different sport try rugby league not rugby union. US will adopt rugby on a bigger scale but not in the immediate future until they see monumental financial gain from it.

  17. first of all what the h**l is rugby?

    I like football!

    Its not support because sometimes in a sport when a team has to go to the visitors field and they barley have any support they sometimes win.

    are you just mad because your team is losing in football so you moved to another sport?

    no further questions.

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