
Why does America??????

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Why doesn't America like soccer? In all the other countries I've lived in, soccer is the main sport and covered in the news all the time. In America, it's only "American Football", baseball, basketball, and NASCAR. What makes those sports so special? Yeah, soccer has low scores, but it's only like that because the goals only count one point, where in other sports, scoring one thing can count 7 or more points. So why does the rest of the world love soccer, but America doesn't. Alot of Americans I know say it's a "sissy" sport or a "little kid sport". Why is that? Because we don't wear 10 tons of padding and have less injuries?




  1. it's b/c soccer sucks.......  

  2. Why do you never see blindfolded knife throwing on tv?  It's very popular in my country.

  3. bcuz unlike everyone else. america has a diversity of sports and not just soccer. here they barely even show soccer. nba, nfl and mlb are the thing. i like the nba the best.

  4. Not all Americans don't like soccer. Some love it as much as you do. But for the people who don't have great foot-eye coordination (such as me), we have alternatives. Also, soccer here in America is mainly a local sport. If you look online for "soccer leagues" you will find many.

    I hope this helps :)


  5. Soccer is HUGE in America, the media just hasn't figured out how to make money off of it yet in as big a way as they do with the other professional sports, so you don't see as much of it on tv.

  6. the reason i don't like it is because i cant understand any strategy or game plan of it, and like you say it looks like a bunch of kids running around and kicking a ball.

  7. different strokes for different folks.  

  8. I don't like soccer because it is too boring ^^. Baseball is better, more exciting!, maybe it is because that is the way we were raised.

    I still respect the fact that you like soccer ^^".

  9. I doubt the score has anything to do with it.  It is just personal preference.  Television might be a big factor in that.  Then again it can also be support.  Where I'm from there are no Soccer teams and you have to be from an up scale family to even have an opportunity to play on a team.  It's the same with Hockey and I'm a huge hockey fan.

  10. its cause we have our own sports. i used to play soccer.  
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