
Why does Americans care so much about the religion of their president is

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Obama I don't know what religion he is there was rumors he was Muslim and I'm not really sure what religion he really is.The problem with it is this information or so called information should be completely irrelevant as long as he does a good job.Which by the way I never liked him I wanted Hilary in and it's not because of his religion it's because he is iffy.




  1. Muslims have a tendency to pay more attention to their Quran and not our laws.  They are not ideal leaders in this country made up of our law.  

  2. Well...Obama denies every religion that the public thinks he is. He does'nt like his pastor anymore and he does'nt claim Muslim. I would not have a problem if he would just pick one. I do have a problem with his church and pastor hating on whitie so much and basically being so negative, Whatever the religion of the pres. hopefully it is a postive thing.

  3. i honestly don't even see why religion should be allowed to be mentioned.  separation of church and state is a total myth, and our government doesn't do anything to support it.  i really hate our system.

  4. i want mccain in but you know what if obama was muslim i would actually like him more for having the guts and saying that as long as he isnt a terrorist who cares the religion i dont like obama cause i dont like policies thats it same with the republicans the reason romney wasnt nominated is beacuse hes morman and its all just a shame

  5. well, thats like asking if a white man could be the ruler of africa, or iraq.....america was founded on very high morals/standards that are  of christianity, morals you will find in the, naturally we wont want a muslim in office,( for one that religion is wacked(look at 9/11) and the current suicide bombers in iraq, all for allah...) america is we full of different colored people that are all americans and can run for presidency and thier color should not matter, but what their beliefs are..which is where our caring for religion come in

    and to LAURA G- separation of church of church and state is the exact opposite of what your saying, the ideo of it  has been misconcepted. its to protect the church form being forced to say what the government tells them and allows them to say..thats one reason the pilgrims left england..there they were told how to pray and hwat to pray to and if they did not follow, they were persecuted, so they left and came to the new world to start a new life for us, where the future americans would not have to fear the government for not going to the catholic church..or doing what the catholic church sais

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