
Why does Area 51 need such a long runway?

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Why does Area 51 need such a long runway?




  1. The 23,000 foot runway at the Groom Lake facility appears no longer to be in use.  This suggests it was built for one of the facility's earlier projects that is now defunct.  Long runways are useful for aircraft that take off and land at high speed, or for aircraft that carry heavy loads.  Either of those purposes is compatible with Area 51's reputed use as a top-secret flight test facility.

  2. the longest runway at area 51 is about 5 km long. this is long, but not that much longer than runways at major international airports.

    they fly really really fast planes there, and such planes need long runways. when they are testing them things can go wrong, and they may need even more runway to take off or to land.

  3. I'm not aware that Area 51's runway is longer than average. Assuming that your assertion is correct, it's undoubtedly because some of the United States' most advanced and secret aircraft are tested there. I'm pretty sure the SR-71 was tested there, as well as the Stealth Fighter and B2. Allegedly, there is also the Aurora sub-orbital, hypersonic plane and MiGs captured from the old Soviet Union.

    PS UFOs don't need runways.

  4. I think, as area 51 is primarily a testing ground for planes, a long and wide runway is needed so they can more comfortably take-off and land the planes, and if the worst was to happen, there would be a wider and longer (effectively a bigger) target for the planes to land on.

  5. What is Area 51????

  6. For experimental planes, you'd *want* a long runway for any mishaps that may occur.  If you're landing a plane and your brakes have failed - no runway in the world is going to be long enough for you.  

  7. Long runways are needed to allows high speed craft, such as those earth-to-orbit spacecraft based on captured alien technology, to properly "roll out" during a landing.

    Or it might be that the companies around Area 51 design and build large or fast  (or both) conventional aircraft that need long runways to land and take of.

  8. For the landing UFO's of course and secret government test projects =D

  9. i mean, what else is there... why not


  11. because it is near the equator kind of and the air is more dense which makes it harder for an aeroplane to take off because of the pressure above and below the wings. therefore the plane needs more space to gather more pressure and take flight. RAF Regiment Black

  12. Area 51 is one of many DUMBs (deep underground military bases) connected by high speed underground trains. It is where the antichrist's army and monstrosities are being built for his soon to rise 4th Reich known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The final brutal empire seen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator.

    All craft are of human origin... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology will appear centuries ahead of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    Type III 'aliens' and fake 'messiahs' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...


    Later, ask yourself how we knew all this in advance:

    2 Thessaloinians 2:10-13

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