
Why does BT Yahoo have annoying advertisments all over the page? I pay for this service; it is not free!?

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Why does BT Yahoo have annoying advertisments all over the page? I pay for this service; it is not free!?




  1. I see no adverts, I use firefox with adblock. Its faster too and its free.

  2. BT Yahoo?

  3. Its BT Yahoo..! will get a "Violation notice " for this one mate.....the GOD Yahoo must not be judged ... nuff said

  4. use firefox.

  5. Is suppose it is akin to buying a newspaper that is mostly crud advertising.

    I just ignore the BT Yahoo ones, and make a point of doing so.

    But you are correct. I did not order and then pay for adverts.

    .Just treat them as the junk mail that they are.

    Perhaps we should measure the screen space taken up, and demand a proportionate refund.


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