
Why does Barack say he is for Unity, but turned his back on Hillary and her supporters?

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Why does Barack say he is for Unity, but turned his back on Hillary and her supporters?




  1. He hasn't turned his back on anyone. He is a politician and he knows that he already has the radical feminists on his side. It isn't like they are going to vote for McCain.

    What Obama did is try to add to his voter base by not choosing Hillary since the majority of her supporters would vote Democrat anyway and because Obama needed someone to strengthen confidence in him in the area of foreign affairs.

    Radical feminists should support Joe Biden, he is the father of the Violence against Women Act.  

  2. Barack is not for unity. For his party or this country.

  3. Because Barack is a politician.  Politicians hire people that tell them words that are attractive to people like "unity", "hope", "change"..  Barack has hired some very smart people because that is all his campaign runs on.

    He turns his back on Hillary because she is a politician, and in the politician business they are all cannibals.  They survive by eating each other.  

  4. I support Obama more than Hillary because I don't want the dog-and-pony show of bill and his tail chasing near the White House again. I have hope that Obama will be able to make some changes that will benefit the working people of America and not the corporate rich.  

  5. Bark Obama is a politician in the purest sense of the word.  What comes out of his mouth is as far from "truth" or what he genuinely believes as can be.  Anyone foolish enough to believe what Bark Obama has to say, simply by virtue of his "charisma" is behaving blindly.

    Bark Obama is Marxist, racist, sexist miscreant.

  6. I am going to do a 'write in' vote for her.  Now if she was on the ticket - that is where my vote would have been.    

  7. What's a Barack?..sorry I'm from Newark, NJ and I havent heard of that,,is it some kind of cake?

  8. Because he is smarter than he appears, He knows if Hillary were to be the V.P. then he would most surely be assassinated as per her Bobby Kennedy references.

  9. I think that will effect his votes. He could have sealed the Hillary supporters votes to him if he chose her as VP. That was an opportunity to have an edge on the voting. Stupid move.

    I like Obama but my Dad doesn't want to vote for him now since he turned his back on Hillary. (my dad voted for Hillary)

  10. Obama made the smart political move.  The reason that the primary was so close is that Clinton and Obama draw from much of the same constituency.  In order to balance his ticket, Obama selected Biden who fills some of Obama's weaknesses in foreign policy and experience.  I would have preferred that he select Wesley Clark, but Biden is probably the best choice among senators.

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