
Why does Biden love special interest groups so much?

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in an interview in december 07 he in on record saying special interest groups are not bad and its not bad to take money from special interest groups. he then said if he was elected president and a special interest group had gave him money that he would do favors for them! this was all on rush today I'm not making this up. I'm confused Obama said special interest groups are bad but Biden said they are good. who do I believe?




  1. Why does Alaska have by far the most earmark money per person than any state in the US?

  2. I love the commercial in which Obama's campaign slams McCain for dealing with lobbyist.  Hello Biden's son Hunter is a lobbyist for bio tech firms since 2001.  Pot calling the Kettle Black.

  3. He has to love them, there are so few left for Democrats after the Republicans took office.

    Both sides take money from special interest groups, which can be either good or bad,

    There are groups that represent everything from pizzas, to parsnips, its what they want you do  that's bad, like make it easier for them to pollute without having to clean up, or dropping restrictions aimed at keeping them honest, like hedge funds.

    Or it could be librarians wanting more funds for libraries.

    Its not really a black and white issue

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