
Why does Boxing seem so boring now that MMA is the One getting all the attention!?

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I love seeing a dude get caught with a " flying knee" or serious ground and pound!

Boxing just seems to continue to lose it's luster?

Tyson 1 fight MMA/ kimbo?




  1. I think MMA is boring. Im not interested in guys grappling on the ground, I dont know you find that exciting??? I really enjoy K1-fighting.

    MMA is on free TV allot so it gets allot more fans because its main stream and cool right now. Boxing will still be going strong after MMA is forced to go back to Asia to make money.

    Boxing still brings in more money, The fighters make more money.

    I dont know why people keep insisting on comparing boxing to MMA??  its always MMA fans too, Boxing fans understand why boxing is more exciting.

    MMA is not a sport, its a competition between mixed martial artists sports. When it first started it was Ju-JitSu Vs Grappling, or Grappling vs punching ext ext.

    Now all the fighters train a little in all the arts. But UFC,Pride, and all the other MMA shows are events that feature mixed martial arts.

    There is no main professional ranking system in MMA that I know about. The different shows rank their own fighters (that they hire as employees)

    In a few years the only difference between UFC and WWE will be that the fights are somewhat real, but probably with a pre determined winner.  If there top guys keep getting beat by guys who are not fan favorites the ratings will drop and they will start fixing fights.

    Randy Cotour,Ken Shamrock, and I think Tito Ortiz all have or had law suites against the UFC.

    Also when people say "Oh a boxer would get killed if they fought a mixed martial artists" Thats bullshit, How long does the boxer have to train? does he get his usual 3 to 4 months before a boxing match to train? Because all the boxer would have to train on is avoiding the takedown.

    Chuck Liddel made a career on just being a puncher,(sometimes the odd kick)  and he wasnt even a good puncher, sloppy and slow and telegraphed, he knew how not to get taken down. So put a boxer in there who knows how to avoid the take down and he could Ko the MMA fithter. Or pepper him so much the ref stops it.

  2. I think there are many little reasons.

    1. MMA fights allow for much much more techniques to be used and fighting styles-which makes it more interesting and fun to watch.

    2. Although boxing fights can finish in 1 round, they almost always go on for half an hour or more and are hardly fun to watch.

    3. MMA fights can end at any moment.

    4. MMA just seems more bad a5$, seeing as how a lot of the fights end with a ko or tko or submission, which would rarely happen in boxing (no submission).

  3. Because boxing is lame compared to MMA. It's like asking why more people watch the NBA than the WNBA.

  4. It depends on what you call "boring." Because me personally, I find two guys rolling around on the mat for three minutes pretty boring.

    Funny, but when MMA adervtises fights, they always just show striking and maybe a few submissions. Don't show you how most fights end, which is the fighters mounting each other, and putting someone into a submission hold.

    MMA appeals to the group that does not understand the "sweet science" and just want brawling or fighers who block punches and kicks with their faces instead of using any sort of  defense.

  5. Boxing was here before MMA

    Boxing will be here long after MMA

  6. boxing and mma is boring, WWE is far more entertaining

  7. from the mma events i have been to alot of the people are there for quick knockouts and cheap thrills. if there is 10 seconds without action the venue is ringing with boos. not all are like this but from my experience the majority are.i see some people posting about how lame and dull boxing is, have these people even bothered watching a few fights. watch gatti-ward, vasquez-marquez,corrales-castillo or pavlik taylor 1, i guarantee they wont be saying that its lame then.

    as for tyson kimbo it wont happen. mike has no desire to fight. he lost motivation and the will to fight years ago. if you have seen the E:60 with him you will no what i mean. he is old too and completely out of shape.

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